We Made IT!!!

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Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris
October 28th 2009
Published: October 28th 2009
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We finally made it to Paris! WOO HOO!!! Planes were on time, found our way around rather well. Bought RER tickets to Paris without assistance (the booth was closed when we got down to the ticket area). Our first little adventure was getting through the turnstiles. We watched as others put the ticket in, took it out and walk through, easy enough right? Well not when you use the reciept and not the ticket. So we made the train, a nice ride in the dark wee hours of the morning, not much to see other than the train stations. Once we got to Gare de Nord where we caught the Metro and made our way to Pl. du Clichy. Finding the street was a bit of a challange in the dark as we didn't know what the street signs looked like, (they are green with white lettering and on the sides of buildings, just look up). Lucky for us our room was ready for check in at 6h30. The room is a room. Across the street we have workers restoring an old building, (they did start work a bit later in the morning). We ate breakfast here at the hotel. Then took a bit of a nap. After the nap we went looking for a currency exchange. Found one on our second stop. (the place actually says CHANGE, above it.) On the way we got to see the famous Moulin Rouge (picture forthcoming). On the subject of pictures yours trully (Ange) forgot her spare battery and charger at home so I'm going to see if I can charge the camera off the computer while I down load pictures other wise it will be a vary select amount of pictures taken on the trip. 😊 After we got some local currency we headed to the Cemetarie de Montmartre. It was a nice day just to stroll amongst the dead, there was even a chestnut tree there. Some very old tombs, along with a few very new tombs. The tombs ranged from lavish with beautiful stained glass windows to what would probably be very run of the mill three walls and a door. Oldest date we saw was 1747 (was a bit mind boggling to see a tomb that old). As we were leaving a group pulled in for a funeral for today. Vans full of flowers, mourners following in.
So on our way to the Moulin Rouge, we passed a number of sex stores. Displaying everything from nipple clamps to underware that didn't cover anything. VERY wicked looking boots, with heels that are probably forbidden in the States. So place your orders now as we are only going to be here a couple of more days.
Back to the room to lounge a bit, blog a bit and just sit in our pjs for a while. Dinner is most likely going to be sushi as there is a place just down the street from us.
We had our first run in with the rude waiters of Paris, actually he was nice at first then when we place our order and all we got was Jambon de Pays (country ham sandwich) and Eau (water) it went down hill from there. We finished up lunch with a couple of Cappichinos.
The grand plan for tomorrow is the Louvre and Notre Dame. We just have to look at guide books and maps and figure out how to get there. 😊 So Au Revoir for now and Bon Soir. Will be back tomorrow. Hopefully with Pictures!


28th October 2009

We Made It
Just read you first entry, how exciting! Since you're offering, I'd like to put my order in for something really hot and sexy- I'll leave it up to you girls to pick it out ;O !!!!!!!! Can't wait for the photos. Don't worry about the waiters, I know your mom can put them in their place real fast! XOXOX, Kitty
29th October 2009

No news is good news, I guess. Who has time to blog when you're on holiday??? Awaiting new news.

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