Nothing More Than Paris

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June 2nd 2009
Published: June 2nd 2009
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I went in having little expectations. I recenlty had heard that it is a one hit wonder, you see it then you are done. Having little expectation could be what made it so great, but I just have one word. Paris <3
Our day off was a treat that is for sure.
Paris was surreal, and there is really nothing more.
I loved the curves of the buildings and the ancient history to be told.
It's a treat for the eyes for the young and the old.

We began the day taking the first train out of Strasbourg to Paris. There were nine of us, eight girls and one boy. Oh, bless his brave soul! We were not all together but Elz and I sat next to each other and 4 others were right there with us. Next to us on the train was the picture perfect french lady. From the way she dressed to the posture she displayed, she could easily fill the stereotype. I mean this in the least weird way, but I kept looking at her. Ah yes, now I remember. She is a replica of my friends mom and it was really weird to see. We arrived at the Paris east Train Station and all had to pay to use the restroom, then proceeded to buy our subway pass. Wow were we a sight trying to determine which way to go, which line to use, and how were going to pay for it. We ended up running into a girl that has been traveling the world for about 5 months now and about half of the time she has been doing it alone, only speaking English and some french. The bagpack which she carried practically above her body was massive. Had it been on me, it would be dragging me around. Can you say top heavy 😊 After getting ourselves in line we headed for the subway. It took us one try before we all got on, but we made it. Our first stop was the Eiffel Tower. Although I was at first shocked at the fact that its more brown than black, the closer we got the more in love I fell. It was absolutly stunning. I never would have seen in pictures, but there is an incredible about of detail on it. It's for sure a monumental place. The best part was the running trail that was right next to it!! ooooh if for no other reason I return, it will be for the trail! We then decided to get a boat pass that took us down the river to about 6 major tourist destinations. Our second stop was Notre Dame, but not until after we ate! Lunch was really great, and really long! It was 15 euros for a three course meal and an americano coffee, but it took about 2 1/2 hours to get! Ha they are not kidding when they say that the French like to enjoy their lunch. It was crazy! Notre Dome was cool as well, I loved the flying butresses, but the rest was all not so new to me. Then it was an adventure to the Louve!! We didnt' really get to do much there either since we had all heard how long and overwhelming it is, but we did take pictures with the protruding triangle. Then, I really wanted to go to the Arch of Triumph, so we took the subway a ways and as soon as we came above ground there it was! Masked in its beauty. What I didn't know is that the circle around it has no lanes! It is a free-for=all driving circle. Obviously the people familiar with it have created an art behind it but it looks like mass chaos to any onlooker. Wow, I was certain that at any given moment i was going to witness a wreck! To get to the Arch, one must walk underground and then come back up, where a the stairs lead right to it. ( Heaven forbid someone walk out into that street!) I really am not sure which landmark I liked more, the Arch or the Eiffel Tower. They both leave me pretty speechless. I didn't know that there were flowers all over the cieling of the Arch. I thought that was sooooo cool :D I just stood there looking up forever. lol Then some of us took a 360 degree walk around. Every carving on the side was different than the other. I supposed I should have paid more attention in world history and I would have understood it a lot better.. Mr. Witlow would be very disappointed :/ Afterwards we went to a street (not sure what it was called) and it is something along the lines of the most expensive retail street in the world. :D From what I saw there was Cartier, Boss, and Louis Vuitton and that is as far as we got! Jamie bought a purse! I was so exicted for her!! Speaking of Louis, I can not wait to be reunited with mine. I'm sure he is sad that he didn't get to come back home to Paris with me, but maybe another time. We then made our way across town to the highest land level in Paris. We sat down and had some beer and appetizers for about two hours just talking and catching up, making jokes, while reviving old ones. It was a good time. 😊 Then it was time to leave. We got to the station at a good time and succeeded to make the last train back to Strasbourg where Arabella was there to greet us with her vivacious smile 😊 I am going to miss her.


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