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October 12th 2009
Published: October 12th 2009
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Bonsoir a tous!!!!!!!!!!!!

How are you all?! I haven't been hearing from you lately and it makes me sad! Not that I'm looking for comments about what I've written...but I do miss hearing about you and how you are! I get homesick sometimes and it's nice to see messages from home. It keeps me going. 😊

Everything is great still in beautiful Tours! I can't believe it's the middle of October already and that I'm actually in good spirits! haha! I can't even begin to express how much I miss home though. Only a week and a half left before mommy comes and I'm so unbelievably excited!!!! I'm going to be that American who makes the biggest scene when I see her! 😊

This past week and weekend were really great! School is wonderful...the routine is fantastic! I'm still observing in the Lycee for the most part, but I do walk around and help students with grammar, vocab, and pronunciation when needed. The students are adorable when they speak...absolutely adorable. I'm pretty sure I'll have the French accent mastered by the time I come home because it really is the cutest thing! lol I have a roster with all their pictures above their name so I can practice. There are so many typical "French" names that I just adore...Corentin, Valentin, Quentin, Hugo, Victor, Emblynn, Manon, Marion, Julia, Madeline, Anais, etc. The students at the IUFM are just as wonderful! I am actually teaching there...I work with small groups of 10 at a time and we talk more in depth about a subject, work on pronunciation, sentence structure, and we always start with a tongue twister. I know it's mean...but it's really a good warm up and it breaks the ice! Last week I used "A noisy noise annoyes an oyster" and (this one is mean) "Thank the other three brothers from the other brother's mother's side." As you may or may not know, the "th" sound doesn't exist in the French language so trying to help them produce this sound was entertaining on both sides. In the begining, before I helped them, it sounded like this, " Sank zi ozer free brozers from zi ozer brozers mozers side." After I had them stick out their tongue, place their teeth on their tongue and sounded like this. " Thank thee other three brotherths from the other brotherths motherths thide." Needless to say, we had a good time. haha!

I spent Wednesday afternoon and evening with my English teacher and another teacher from the lycee, Francois. I'm not going to lie, it was probably one of the most entertaining nights here so far! We went over to his house ( in the countryside with the cutest little cottage, fruit trees, and a great view) for tea and brioche! We ended up staying for dinner, sang songs around the dinner table, and learned two knew phrases that I am most definately overusing!! "Regarde moi ca!!! and the word "Vachement." It was so much fun! I felt like I was spending time with people my age...and in reality, they are older than my parents! :-)

I went to Orleans this weekend to visit Zack and had a wonderful time! Before I left, however, my family gave me a small list of chores. This was totally fine, seeing as I am living here and they were leaving for Paris for the weekend. All I had to do was close the shutters, do the dishes and pick fruit from the trees in the backyard?? haha The most random chore! I never saw that one coming! I am an excellent apple and pear picker and an even better raspberry eater. teehee 😉

Well, today started week #3 in Tours! I spent the day at the Lycee with the most amazing English teacher and fabulous students! Once of the classes is learning about black history at the moment so we sang "We Shall Overcome" in class. Brigitte brought her guitar and everything! I'll always think of those students when I hear that song now! I came home exhausted and checked my e-mail. Axelle, my host sister came in my room and started jumping on my bed! I didn't mind at all, she's really cute....but I started to smell this really awful vinegar smell and realized it was her feet. She jumbed all over my bed, blankie, and pillows... ugh...thank goodness for Downy spray. :/

Well I'm off to bed, early day tomorrow!!! Thanks for reading and hopefully I'll have some pictures up soon!!! Miss you all!!



12th October 2009

loved the tongue twisters
Hello P! Absolutely hilarious - your "Sank zi ozer free brozers from zi ozer brozers mozers side" story!!! I'm still laughing. I am very excited for mom to come and see you. Make as big a scene as you want. She will love it. My vacationing is over for the time being. Back to work today and have many zings to work on!! I love you. Have a great week.
13th October 2009

I think i hit unsubscriber by mistake! make sure im still on your list! :-)
13th October 2009

Hey alana! I love hearing about your adventures in France!!! :) you are really brave! lol. HOpe you have fun! Enjoy the rest of your trip! love lil cousin jennifer:)
13th October 2009

Good Stuff
You are so wise and mature beyond your years and seem to realize the wonderful events currently affecting your learning there will be stored forever in that computer between your ears!!! Is it considered bad taste to tell your hosts when they smell so bad?---- I know the answer.
14th October 2009

Miss you honey!!!
Hi Alana, Sorry I haven't written lately. Happy, Happy Birthday!!! I hope you enjoy spending your birthday abroad. We love to read your blogs and are so proud of you. I think of you everyday and send only the best wishes that you are safe and having a wonderful time! Love you.... Aunt Barbie
14th October 2009

happy birthday
Hi Alana: Happy Birthday, we miss you very much and wish you were home (in Virginia) with us !! Love, your favorite Uncle. Charles
14th October 2009

Hi Alana, Here's wishing you oa very HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I want you to know that you are missed by all ofo us. We are really enjoying your stories. You are quite the writer. Enjoy your day and remember your mom will be with you before you know it. Take good care. Love, Aunt Sue

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