Bon Jour from Moissac

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September 17th 2018
Published: September 17th 2018
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I'm a couple of days behind ... We're on our rest day in Moissac so it's time to catch up.

I was finally able to hike yesterday and we had a moderate 26k jaunt that Tiff and I did while Pat and Ruth wimped out and only did about half. It's OK though cuz Tiff and I had a nice day together.

Tiff sez ... day before yesterday ...

Last night's entertainment was Pat trying to seduce Tiffany's new German friend Claus (you had to be there). Since we all walked today, Tif gave Ruth one of her hiking polles so she's no longer "bi-poler". We did only 10 miles today ... never thought we would saying ONLY 10 miles.


You know how Marsha (Tiffany) likes to change names. She has changed the "Le Puy Pilgramage" to "Foot to food adventure". After all, we are walking just to get to our next fantastic meal. Last night we had 5 courses plus apertif and wine in the most charming setting. We didn't know food could taste that good. (The only poor taste is in Rich's Tom Leher songs). Today we say 3 different hunters with their packs of dogs and then heard several gunshots. Note to self: wear orange next time on the trail.

Moissac is a charming little town. We had dinner at a great Vietamese restaurant last night and will probably go back today ... keeping with the foot to food theme of this trek. We met up with Claus again last night and said our final goodbyes to him since we'll be a day behind form now on. Pat was not able to get n the final seduction attempt but Ruth gave it a try ... not sure how that worked and Ruth isn't talking.


17th September 2018

Hello Pilgrims
Bonjour Rich, Marsha (Tiffany), Pat and Ruth, Just got caught up on your blog since the beginning. Looked like a bit of a rough start, but that's ancient history now. Sounds like you're getting into the routine of the trek and are enjoying the experience (the food sounds great). Feet doing ok? Hope so. Are there fewer hikers on this route than we saw in Spain? Looking forward to more of your reports. Bon Journee, Buen Camino, Gary
22nd September 2018

Gary, Thanks for the comments. We're plugging along. Rich's foot is better every day and we just completed 3 rough days of 20+ miles. Today was only15 and that was a breeze. Rich and Tiff are hiking every day nad Pat and Ruth are picking and choosing what they want to do.

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