Arrived safely and speaking French

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Europe » France » Aquitaine
May 17th 2013
Published: June 16th 2017
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Geo: 45.2792, 0.215607

We have arrives safely at our cute little b&b in the Dordogne Valley. It was a killer travel day. We left St Louis yesterday at 10am. Arrived in Toulouse, France at 9:30 am the next morning. Waited for Mary to arrive at 11:30, then rented a car and started for Dordogne. Of course Mary slept the entire way on the plane and the rest of us got no sleep.

We had a rough start with our GPS. That was always Tom's job and he is not here. We probably spent 20 minutes in the rental car parking garage trying to figure out first how to change it to english and then how to enter our desitnation. We finally got it close to where we were going, but she made a few mistkes along the way. Not as clear with her directions as in the past. She's slipping.

I had an entire conversiation in French with the lady from Hertz. Hello, how are you, I am very well, this is my siser Dot. Nice to meet you. That pretty much wipes out my entire vocabulary. I think she got a kcik out of it. I know the guys behind us did.

Driving wasn't near as bad as Ireland, since they drive on the right side of the road. Some of the roads were pretty narrow once we got close to our destination, but we did OK.

By the time we were getting close to our B&B we were starving. AFter taking another wrong turn, we stopped at a cute little rstauruant where everyone was sitting outside and had some cheese, meat, fries, and fois gras. It is a beautiful day, the sun is shining and we felt very French. Until we realized that we were the loudest table and had to use our "inside voices". oops. Loud Americans.

We are stayng at the same B&B we stayed at previously, so its feel like home. Except last time it was owned by a British couple, who of coure spoke excellet english. Now it is owned by a french couple with very little english. so far, we have managed. We'll see how it goes. They still let the guests use the fridge, which has ICE!

went for a walk around our little town to try and wake up. Stopped for ice cream, of course. Giving up and going to bed. pictures later tonight or tomorrow. They take a while to upload.

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


17th May 2013

Everyone looks so relaxed & happy. A loud tabel-with 3 Schimdts-who would believe it. great castle & great photos. Eat all the ice cream you can!!!!!!!!!
17th May 2013

Looks like you are settling in! Isn't it great to be back at the same place.
17th May 2013

Wow! I want to live there!Have fun ladies.
17th May 2013

Did Dee empty all 3 of those ice cream dishes????
17th May 2013

Smile, Mary ! You're in France!
18th May 2013

Wow! What adventurers you have become. Love the photos especially.
18th May 2013

Looks like a nice place!
23rd May 2013

A castle for a neighbor and ice cream, too. Live doesn't get any better, does it?

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