It's getting closer to the end

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Europe » Finland » Lapland
March 20th 2010
Published: March 23rd 2010
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Since the last entry not so much happened. I drove tours had a lot of fun, a lot of funny guest, a lot of guests who were not cabable of driving a sledg and so on and so on.

Now the end of the saison is in front of us. It’s getting warmer every day and therefor it’s harder for the dogs to pull as it is far to hot for them.
It’s also getting warm for us workers and while the guests still wear the same they were wearing when it was 40 below, I now sometimes drive even without a jacket or the big gloves.
The next two weeks are not so many tours so my days will be again just working as a doghandler in the camp before I’ll have some more daytours in my last week of employment here… my saison will end on the 10th of april but I’ll go out by myself with the dogs for a few days before heading home.

I’ll catch the nighttrain from Kolari to Helsinki to visit some friends there before taking the plane to Germany.
My stay in Germany will not be for long tho as I’ll spent the summer in Iceland working in a cute little hotel in the southeast.
So if you’d like to catch up you should be fast doing that… some time between 20th of april and 20th of may should be fine for me.

Anyway gotta keep going.

Sorry for writing in english only this time, but I couldn’t be bothered to write in German as well.

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23rd March 2010

cold weather
it is so cold weather in Germany
12th April 2010

Huhu Melli! Nun is deine schöne Zeit in Finnland bald vorbei... ich werde es leider finanziell nicht schaffen können, dich zu besuchen, aber solltest du Zeit und Lust haben, oder grad in der Gegend sein, bist du in Bielefeld jederzeit herzlich Willkommen :-) LG

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