Bohemia to Moravia... cycling eastwards...

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Europe » Czech Republic » South Moravian Region » Brno
June 29th 2006
Published: July 4th 2006
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Group of Four in PragueGroup of Four in PragueGroup of Four in Prague

On leaving Prague we had this pic taken in Wenceslas Square. From here on we head east for the next few months unless something goes drastically pear-shaped?
Day 32, 2nd July.

Prague - Kolīn - Pardubice - Sezemice

At last! We are on the road again, I was going a little crazy staying in one place for so long. I said farewell to Klara and we headed off for our rendezvous at thr Russian Embassy. It was quick and easy to pick up our visas, they were all in order except Scott’s which was just a direct copy of his original one! The staff assured me that it could be extended once we were in Chelyabinsk*. So, we headed off into the centre of town, Scott picked up new pedals from Tesco cos his other ones he bought in Germany were already kaput! We ate pizza slices before setting off and Rowan took some photos of us in Wenceslas Square. Then we headed east, 20 miles later we left the Prague city limits and the roads were nice and flat.

The first town we hit was Kolin, a pretty little place where Scott and I made sandwiches in the town square, while Rory and Toby opted for restaurant food and beer (perhaps to their cost later in the trip?) Our destination was too far, we
East of PragueEast of PragueEast of Prague

Once east of the city, the roads become quite flat.
realized, and searched for a non-existant campground in Pardubice. It was going dark, so we followed the excellent bike-paths out of town, past the village of Sezemice and I found a place in the woods near the road. After a meal of rice with soya-protein, we crashed out.

*Chelyabinsk - Rory has two Russian friends, Viktor and Natasha, who have ‘invited’ us as the “Cultural Bike Expedition to Russia”. This means we get the Russian-business-visa which will enable us to have the time to cycle across Siberia to the Mongolian border. The idea, therefore, is to use the Russian-visa we got in London (a sticker on the page of the passport) for the ride to Chelyabinsk, keeping the paper visa we got in Prague hidden, enter Kazakhstan on our Kazakh-transit-visa, and then use the other Russian-visa to the Mongolian border. An ingenious plan… I just hope we make that window for Kazakhstan, we MUST be there at the border on August 22nd - or we’re in trouble!

Total Miles: 1347.78 Todays Miles: 82.01 Average speed: 11.7 Time on bike: 6:59

Day 33, 3rd July.

Sezemice - Svitany - Brno - Zidlochovice

We awoke after
Tanks for the memory!Tanks for the memory!Tanks for the memory!

During communist times, the Soviets erected these statues to their military might. Surprisingly, some still remain.
sunrise and continued east to Holice for breakfast, Czech food is so cheap in restaurants, but even so, we ate on a bench outside. Another stop was the lovely town of Lytomysl for lunch then we headed into the hills, it began to rain a little and the wind was changing in all directions all the time! Today was another long one, we reached the southern city of Brno about 6pm and did our shopping for the evening and tried to find our way south to the camping ground. An old chap on a bike led us out of town, he was a writer in communist times and had had an interesting life. After getting out of town we ended up on a motorway, only to find out miles later that the campsite had been closed down. We met 2 Dutch folks, Stuart and Heidi, who also had turned up at the site. So we watered up and went in search of a free camping spot which we found shortly afterwards on the edge of a field. It had been over a 90 mile day and it was going dusky as we pitched and I cooked up some soya protein
Cherries Galore!Cherries Galore!Cherries Galore!

Why buy them when the roads are lined with them! However, we found out that they can make you leave your tent many times during the night!
chunks. As it went dark a figure appeared on the track, a shady looking character with a gun. He was a hunter and gave us a strange look before heading off into the dark. The thought he’d tell his mates about us made for a restless sleep at night!

Total Miles: 1440.03 Todays Miles: 92.24 Average speed: 12.3 Time on bike: 7:29

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


Stuart and Heidi.Stuart and Heidi.
Stuart and Heidi.

Our first encounter with fellow cyclists. Heidi and Stuart from Holland, free-camping, just before the stranger with the gun appeared.
Prague - Russian Visas.Prague - Russian Visas.
Prague - Russian Visas.

Me outside the Russian Embassy in Prague, proudly displaying our Russian visas.... we can go East!

What the hell this shop was trying to sell I dread to think. Maybe when we've been on the road 6 months or longer, it could satisfy a need!!!

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