Thoughts on Prague

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September 21st 2005
Published: September 22nd 2005
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We arrived in Prague on the 17th. We enjoyed many things from the incredible architecture to the very reasonable beer prices (less than $1.00US in some places).

The first pic is of the Charles Bridge. There were several musicians and artists on the bridge selling their artwork and/or CD's.

The second pic is the St. Vitus cathedral inside of the castle grounds. We climbed 287 steps to see a great view from the cathedrals's tower (the third pic).

For the fourth one, this picture of Mary was taken by the castle. You can see the St. Nicholas cathedral (with the green dome) to the left. We went to an organ, trumpet, and voice concert there one evening.

The fifth pic is one of the street and a good example of the different architectural styles. There are also many modern styles such as the Fred and Ginger building...

Next is the "Fred & Ginger" building. It is called this because it resembles the two of them dancing together.

Finally, we wanted to include a pic of the Jewish Cemetary. No photo can capture how concentrated this cemetary is. You can tell, however, that from the concentration of the headstones, they were not given much room to bury the dead.

Some other general thoughts....
We thought the food in Prague was very good. We found some cheap stuff and some more expensive stuff, especially for my birthday dinner, which we had a varitey of meats including duck, pork and rabbit amongst a variety of dumplings. We have a photo of this, but unfortunately, it is on my camera and we can't get to it right now. The food was seasoned very well and we rarely had to add salt and pepper. As Doug mentioned, the beer prices were a much welcome change from Ireland!!! We even found a "local" pub that we made our own on each trip home every night.

It was very easy to get around the city via the trams and buses. We covered a fair amount of ground in the short time that we were there. We visited the different parts of town and went to most of the sites that we wanted to see. We also visited quite a few shops and made some purchases. At some point in the near future we will have to send a shipment of stuff home because somebody keeps putting bricks in our luggage!!!

Well, that's it for now. We're off to Krakow!

Additional photos below
Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


26th September 2005

great pictures!
Glad you're having as much fun as you'd enpected! What's with all the beer? Don't they have MM? It's a gray Monday morning here - you aren't missing a thing.
26th September 2005

Hey guys...Thanks for the pictures..Prague looks absolutely beautiful..wish I were there with you. I know you're having a great time.
27th September 2005

The architecture of the buildings is beautiful. Good thing you are getting a little exercise (climbing 287 steps) and not just working your arms lifting all those beers! I'm anxious to see/hear about Poland.
3rd October 2005

What history you must be seeing!
Hey Doug and Mary.. Hope you are having a blast!! Doug, not a day goes by we are not thinking of you. The pictures are beautiful. We can't wait for you to get home to show us the rest of the pics. Have fun!!

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