Makarska to Dubrovnik

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Europe » Croatia
June 12th 2011
Published: June 11th 2011
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We finished our visit to Makarska with a nice meal on the foreshore. There we had a beautiful meal called Peka. It is a meat dish for two persons. It contains beef and lamb with potatoes and veggies that cooks together for several hours. That goes down well with a pot of beer, just out of this world. No hurry for the distance to Dubrovnik is not that far, about 250 kilometres so an easy trip. Saying Good Bye to Milena was not that easy, she is a remarkable Lady and can't do enough for you. Just out of Makarska we stocked up on some more goodies. Than it was time to go. Again a very windy road with lots of small places, where we had to slow down. You cannot drive that fast anyway, but not the locals. They seem to be able to do all those things. Speed limit 50 well they steam through there at least doing 80. Than there are several stops for video and photos. . It is an amazing road, with the deep blue sea on the one side and the awesome mountains on the other. It is breath taking and you just can't get enough of it. The land is very rocky with not many flat areas. But wherever there is the possibility farmers use it widely with vegetables and fruit trees. To get to Dubrovnik you travel again a section of Bosnia, about 30 km, than back into Croatia. Than looking for our Villa Boro.We asked some people the way and what happened. They told us to follow them. We saw that they went a one way street but thought o well, that is what they seem to do up here. Half way they stopped and said that they where not from here but it should be around here somewhere.We went down it seemed a thousand steps, asked at a hotel and yes it was close to where we were parked. O well a little bit further up the wrong way and there it was.We had to haul our gear 5 flights of steps to our place. With the help from a very strong lady it all worked and we installed ourselves. Tomorrow more adventures. So bye for now, Liz and Allan.

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12th June 2011

This one was hard to open but have opened it up Glad we were not with you as I could not climed up the stairs Very steep aint they Well you wont put on any weight We are both well Marg is getting a bit nervous Keep on enjoying yourselves Love Margaret & Peter

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