Dalmatian Islands

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September 18th 2005
Published: September 18th 2005
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Cappucino and Sparkly WaterCappucino and Sparkly WaterCappucino and Sparkly Water

mmm... beach and drinks
Hello from Korcula, supposed birthplace of Marco Polo himself.
We arrived in Orebic on Friday and hung out on the beach there for a few hours. It was a nice beach, topless for the ladies (not US of course ;-), speedos for the men, and naked for the kids.

We then took a ferry over to Korcula, which is only a mile across the Adriatic, on the island of Korcula (same name as the town). Korcula is a medieval town with towers and a wall around it. It was built in either the 13th or 15th century. We got a really nice room with a different Gramma this time. She is quite a bit tidier than the Gramma we stayed with in Dubrovnik.

On Saturday we took a day trip on a boat to the island of Mljet. The island has a few lakes on it and half of the island is a national park. We took a boat out to the Benedictine monastery on an island in the middle of one of the lakes and then rented bikes and biked around. The monastery was built in the 12th century, but there are Roman ruins all around the island dating from the 1st to 6th centuries. This island has been inhabited for a long time, by the ancient greeks, then the Illyrians who were conquered by the Romans in 35 BC.

Other than that trip, we've been spending our time here eating good food and drinking good wine. The area has a lot of vineyards and has some good local cheeses, fruits and vegetables. We listened to a really good mandolin-bass-guitar trio Friday night at one of the bars, then they turned up last night at a different bar, playing other instruments. Both options sounded really good.

We had a small change of plan yesterday. It looks like there are some thunderstorms coming in to Split (6 hr north of here on the ferry) and we met some English dudes who said Split was -not brilliant- so we will skip it. Supposedly it is similar to Dubrovnik but not quite as nice. We will instead go to Slovenia and see some castles. Hopefully the cruise ships that have been chasing us around down here will not be able to make it that far inland! It seems pointless for these towns to have 8 foot thick walls and lookout towers but not be able to defend themselves from giant 8 story white ships that are lit up like Christmas trees!

Now we are heading on a -cruise- -- an overnight ferry ride from Korcula to Rijeka, which is in the north. We got a sleeping room and bought some good cheese, bread, and chocolate so we should be fine. It was surprisingly cheap - only $30 or so each. We will go by Split on the way so we will take a picture.

We'll try to write again in Slovenia in a day or two. Until then, enjoy the pictures...
erin and dana

Additional photos below
Photos: 11, Displayed: 11


Grapes in KorculaGrapes in Korcula
Grapes in Korcula

on the wall of Korcula town.
Orebic beachOrebic beach
Orebic beach

Erin and her favorite lava lava.
Korcula Town Korcula Town
Korcula Town

This is the 15th century town of Korcula on the Adriatic Sea
Biking Mljet IslandBiking Mljet Island
Biking Mljet Island

The Benedictine Monestary is in the background.

18th September 2005

The pictures are amazing! Keep them coming. So far 4 have made it into my computer for background and screen savers. Hey Dana, I didn't realize how buff you've gotten! The ABS you've always wanted! Don't blow it with all the cheese, wine and chocolate. (smile) Derrick
18th September 2005

Hey Hotties
You two are looking good! I am glad you are having a good time, miss you both!
18th September 2005

So jealous!
Wow! Your pictures look great! I'm glad you're having such a great time. Come back soon, we miss you, and don't get hurt too much more... we'd like to see you in one piece ;-)
19th September 2005

Thanks for the link --
Hi Erin, Thanks for sending the link again. It is great to get live updates...especially when accompanied with photos. Beautiful journey! Heidi
19th September 2005

ET Hey sounds like you are having fun, as usual. Loved the Gramps story -- that is great! The photos are quite nice! The backdrops are spectacular -- I loved the grapes in Korcula photos the green of your polo matched well with the grapes. Must be fun drinking all that wine. I am jealous. Enjoy! Sorry to hear about the cruise ship people. YIKES!
20th September 2005

Looks like your fun it just beginning.
Hey just got back from my trip. I never quite figured out how to do the photos on thus website. for my trip, But it is so cool to see yours. I makes me feel like I am still traveling but with you.(with you in spirit.) Have a great time Rebecca
21st September 2005

dana and erin
Glad "the partners" are having a good time. WE MISS YOU and look forward to your safe return. PS you missed a fun full moon here at the pharmacy!

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