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August 20th 2007
Published: August 20th 2007
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Gah, I'm going completely nuts...

Today I tried out 4 different suitcases and after packing and unpacking and packing and un... I finally found the best one and weighed it... It was TOO heavy!!!!! So unpacking it was again and getting rid of unnecessary ballast.

My heart is bleeding... I have to leave behind loads of grand clothes...Some essentials like an additional towel and most terrible,some pairs of SHOES have to stay behind as well... *sob*

And after all those sacrifices it was still too heavy! Finally I ended up weighing HAIRDRYERS!!!!!! and packing the lighter one... I weighed hairdryers... I can't believe I did that...

That's sooooo sick!!!! I still can't imagine you're allowed to take 23kg, only... I'm going there for a month... 4 weeks!!! It's impossible to pack everything needed for a month's stay in a country on the other half of the globe if you have a 23kg limit...

That sucks... monumentally!

And everyday I find out more unpleasant things about Australia... Today it was an article about an illness called Dengue fever... bit like the flue but it's not and if you think it's the flue and take something, like an aspirin for example, you get inner bleeding... *yuck*
That's got to do with the Acetyl-Salicyl-Acid and its anti-blood-clotting effect that sort of adds enormously to the already high inner bleeding risk of the fever...

So what if I have that fever but don't recognise it, go to a party... Next day I'm hung over and take an Alkaselzer... (contains ASA) Yeeha!!!!

I'm still really looking forward to seeing Australia but slowly I'm starting to get Those stories so don't help!!! And what about all that poisonous stuff there....

They even have butterflies that can seriously hurt you!!! I mean, butterflies... really...

Well, 'guess that's something I have to accept....

Australia, here I come!

Another 4 days to freak out for good.....

Love, J


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