The Luxuries of Charting a Yacht

Published: August 24th 2015
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Hot and sweaty or overly air-conditioned hotel rooms, less-than-stellar all-inclusive food, scheduled excursions, lack of privacy and only one location? Maybe this doesn’t sound like the luxurious holiday that you were envisioning. So chartering a deluxe yacht could be the answer. Yachts give you the ability to create the ultimate holiday for yourself and your companions.

You don’t have to own a yacht to sail through the Caribbean on an extravagant vessel as long as you have an experienced crew on board. Imagine yourself aboard a yacht with a crew that is at your beck and call, bringing you cocktails and preparing only the finest food for you and your mates without having to lift a finger.

Free sailing leaves you to your own personal schedule and route. Ideal for days when you just don’t feel like doing much or fighting the tourist crowds. Why not have the captain anchor and just enjoy the peace and quiet? Sunbathe on the top deck and stretch out with a good book. If you are up for some adventure, you can sail out to some of the top snorkelling and dive spots that are only accessible by boat or you could take out the sport fishing boat that’s provided for you aboard the yacht. If you are up to spending a day on land for shopping and local dining, you have that option as well.

One of the best parts about chartering a yacht is the view. While aboard, you can travel where you wish and delight in a sunrise from Peter Island and, later, the sunset from Great Tobago (British Virgin Islands). Unlike a hotel or resort, a yacht offers unparallelled freedom; you can enjoy absolute seclusion or party it up with the island nightlife - whatever takes your fancy.

While chartering a yacht can be indulgent and luxurious, it’s also practical. If you are someone who isn’t satisfied with only seeing one dream destination, a yacht provides you with the mobility to visit dozens of them. Depending on how much time you have on your hands for your holiday, you could sail your way down through all those breathtaking the Caribbean islands, or navigate your through those stunning islands of the Eastern Mediterranean.

We all deserve to live like royalty every now and then and chartering a yacht will get us one step closer to living that dream. Hop on and indulge in the fantasy-come-real of open waters and sailing freedom.


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