
Published: July 7th 2005
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After a night that finished at 6 am I drove to Panama. YES, BLUE THUNDER MADE IT TO PANAMA!!!!!!!!! The drive was long and tiring and finding Eloisa´s mom´s house in the mountains at night in the pouring rain was a challenge. But with a lot of care and BT´s help I make it in one piece. Eloisa was surprised to see that I was still alive. By the way, if you ever think of driving down here, consider driving in the dry season, because it rains A LOT right now. Obviously I was soaked, since BT is not waterproof.
Eloisa´s mom and sister are awesome. I also drank the best coffee I had drunk for several countries. Yesterday we drove to Panama city, with a short stop at a beach on the way, where the beer was 75 cents (but the bottle of water 1 dollar).
Today we got information about how to nationalize Blue Thunder. The guy at the agency said it takes two days, which I´m not very optimistic about. We´ll see...
It will be hard, but BT will have to get used to its new home. The traffic in Panama city is worse than any city I´ve been to. People drive very aggresively, seem to have no respect for anyone else and hunk all the freaking time for no good reason. Their motto is "hunk first, ask questions later". BT doesn´t even have a horn!!!
I also tried unsuccessfully to find information on how to take a boat to Colombia. I went to this hostel where they supposely have info, but they refused to let me in since i am not a guest(!). Trying again tomorrow. It feels strange nowadays to search for information that you can´t find in the internet. Is that how life before Al Gore was like?


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