End of Trip

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Central America Caribbean » Nicaragua
February 5th 2012
Published: February 14th 2012
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Written Feb 13/2012

So my trip has ended and now as I am here at home with this crappy snow falling, I guess I should finish this blog and post my pictures. My trip ended with another sleepless night at the hotel in Managua. It was Friday night and somewhere down the road was obviously a big outdoor of dance party. All night right all you could hear was music and the DJ yelling in Spanish. When I left for the airport at 4:15 am this was STILL going on. Nuts! The driver was late for picking me up to take me to the airport and I was already pissed at him, (Jose) the same guy that was supposed to take me to Granada and then switched with his brother, so with already two sleepless nights in a row and wanting to spend a little more time in Granada I was a bit cranky and had already decided that I had paid enough for the ride, I wasn't going to tip him as well. Then on the way to the airport as we were driving, about 15-20 mins. I saw what Managua looked like at night and I was suddenly thankful to Jose, that he had good tires on his car, a tank full of gas, etc. etc. and keeping me safe in this car. Cause if something were to happen and we were to have to stop, well, I'm not too sure that I would be making that flight.... I decided he was getting a tip. I saw a little boy, probably about 5 or 6 pushing this huge cart of flattened cardboard boxes that was about 5 feet tall across the highway close to the airport. I am not really sure what was going on, whether or not he was stealing the cardboard from a factory that he was headed away from or not, but it is a horrible shame that a little boy should even be up at that hour in a place like that having to do that. I checked my bags, tried to find a brewed coffee, not even at the airport?? come on? but lots of coffee beans to buy to take home.


I should have known from when I first left Calgary and went through US customs that I may have trouble coming back when the officer made me name off all of the places in Nicaragua that I would be visiting like it was some sort of test. Anyhow, landing in Huston, it is a very good thing that I had a longer layover, as I wouldn't have made my connection to Calgary if I hadn't. When we got off the plane, I had three paintings that were rolled up in paper and some Nicaraguan coffee beans, that I still have never tasted as I gave it as a gift, and my purse. I went through US customs however my bags were going straight through on my connecting flight so I didn't have to get them and recheck them etc. The officer looked at my card, etc. and told me to go through into this other room. I thought that they would search my paintings, purse, etc. which I was prepared for. However there was only myself and a couple of other latin travels in there who had there suitcases with them that were being searched. After asking me a number of questions, I was told to go have a seat in a chair along the wall while they pulled my bags off of my connecting flight. All I could think of was the movie with Claire Daines "white castle" I think... and how, I didn't have Jose's tip out so I sat in his car for a few minutes, (it was dark out still) trying to get a tip out, while the back truck lid of the car was open and he was back there with my bags!!! Arrggg.... Sweating for about 30 minutes and then some officer arrived with my bags on a cart and I was called over. They went through everything. I have been searched before when I have had my luggage with me and a quick check but to have them pulled off the plane to be searched...

Anyhow it felt like forever to get home and all I wanted to do was have some hot water and a bath, which I havent had in over a week and sleep.
Of course going through CBSA I thought that for sure I would be searched again, but at this point I didn't even care... have at it... but they didn't even ask me the usual questions that I get asked even when I go to LA... Just have a nice day Miss. Anyhow, straight out of the international exit, I saw the light....STARBUCKS... a real coffee. I happily waited in line, ordered my coffee in English, when my brain was still trying to make it harder than it had to be and think in Spanish. And pay my overpriced coffee, the price of 3 dozen poached turtle eggs that it takes a female turtle 12 years to come and lay, a small kid to walk the beach in the middle of the night and steal from underneath her as she is laying. I walked over and tried to get a lid to put on my coffee that there was some rude lady with her luggage cart blocking the way, while she was already done and drinking her coffee and talking on her phone. Oh yes, I am home!! Definitely!

On the way to get a taxi the town car guys offered me a ride in the town car for the same price as the cab. I declined, who cares, I'm not driving. I'm sitting in the back seat. Anyhow funny thing i did cause this cab driver as we approached my house turned to me and in his Indian accent which still in my ears sounds like a little Budda voice. You need to go and make a business, no matter what you will do you will make lots of money, don't you worry about that. But you can make a tremendous difference in other peoples lives, that you don't even understand.... Hmmmmmm.....

Anyhow, I have a few communications something small in Nicaragua and going to start Spanish Class next month with Eden.

Nicaragua/ as well as traveling alone has taught me alot about myself, as well as about a country, history and beautiful people. I definitely have changes that I will be making, of which of course I won't share. Funny thing, first thing my Naturopath asked me about my trip when he saw me was, What did you learn about your soul? Anyhow, I think anyone who has never traveled alone before should do it. I will certainly do it again.

Things I've learned about Nicaragua (not in any particular order)
Very religious people

Superstitious and traditional and ceremonial

Everyone has a brother

Very proud of what they have overcome in their lives (as they should be)

A lot of pain and hardship went on there

Never say Ronald Regan (just kidding, I'm not that dumb, never said his name)

Daniel Ortega's name is everywhere

Daniel Ortega builds nice highways

If there is an accident on the highway here its gonna be fatal, cause buddy you are gonna fall of the top of that truck.

There are a lot of dogs and horses here that don't seem to belong anywhere?

Nicaraguan's love other people and go to place where other people are, not where they aren't ( like the deserted beaches that we seek out)

The word poacher can have different meanings: education/future, survival, food

Know Spanish before you come here

My ears and memory get sharper when really needed Charades is great for communicating even though I look like an idiot

Somehow I retained some words from those 8 years of French in school cause the French word for everything I want to say in Spanish pops into my head. Too bad I had no recollection of this when I visited Quebec

Money gets you everywhere in a very poor country

There is a large gap between the very rich and very poor and a largest percent is the latter.

I need to tan before I leave Canada, I stick out like a sore thumb

I could have packed three pairs of shorts, three tops and one bathing suit for this entire trip in one small backpack. I overpacked again.

Never just point to some street food, buy and eat it cause your too tired, hungry and lazy to try to find out what it is, and assume that it looks like you can eat it and all the hot grease would have killed any bacteria anyways.

One week isn't nearly enough to visit this beautiful country, it is so diverse.

US Customs- Single women coming from Nicaragua = they think "Mule"

I will return soon with Eden for sure, perhaps to purchase, you never know. Gotta put it out there. Chatting with someone right now about that. Silent Partner?


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