Day 6 - Surfing Safari


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The not so sandy BeachThe not so sandy BeachThe not so sandy Beach

These rocks beat the hell out of us.

Day 6 - Riptide 1 DT 0 - Surfer Safari

Day 6 started with another semi early wake-up as we had to catch the morning waves with Alfredo, who is the Peruvian version of Gene Wilder from the original Willy Wonka. We headed to the hostel to get fitted for our boards and rash guards. Good news, we had a dedicated photographer as Amy could not participate due to doctor’s orders. After getting our gear we headed off in the back of a truck about 20 min to the same beach Chester and Kirsten had surfed a year earlier. We proceeded to get our not so quick, quick dry lessons on how to stand up and where to put your feet. Then off into the ocean we headed. Little did we know we would spend most of our time under the sea. Unfortunately the beach was predominately rocks and brought a great deal of pain and discomfort (aka bruises) to our bodies. The tide was coming in so the sets of waves where short and frequent. Not the best conditions for beginner surfers, but it did not stop us. One by one we were sent into the abyss (AKA
The dry lessonThe dry lessonThe dry lesson

We are looking hot with Gene Wilder
the rocky shore) by Alfredo. Everyone got up at least once and we have video to prove it. Alfredo commented on how great our attitude was compared to those “young girls”. Kirsten commented that we have something to prove and we were very determined. As the morning continues the fatigue set in as did the sand in our suits. Some took a break, but Kirsten just could not get enough. But eventually the increased size of the waves and the current from the rip tide took its tool and the group had to resort to land.

While relaxing on the beach on our boards, the tide continued to reek havoc on us as it pulled some members of the group back into the water in a not so graceful way. Two local children were chasing crabs from the inside of a log. Once they caught them we thought “how cute, they are playing with the crabs on the beach.” Then we noticed they were pulling off their claws and making them fight each other. Not so cute any more. Our shuttle (AKA the back of a pick-up) arrived at noon to take us back to town.

Once in town we realized we were very hungry and on the suggestion of 2 other surfers ate at El Gato Negro. It was nice and cool in there. (NOT). Sweating like pigs we ordered cold coffee and smoothies and some lunch. Two hours later we headed for home as quick as we could and stripped down on the deck to get into the pool. There were no clouds to hide the heat. We spent the rest of the day relaxing in the pool and preparing for our night of dinner and Tortugas.

Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10


The boards are bigger than usThe boards are bigger than us
The boards are bigger than us

If that is even possible
Big wavesBig waves
Big waves

With a big board they can really beat the hell out of you and they did
Maija PosingMaija Posing
Maija Posing

She is really taking a break
Amy- Our photographerAmy- Our photographer
Amy- Our photographer

And fashion model
How cuteHow cute
How cute

Dirty thirty 11

9th August 2010

Very Cool!
Excellent surfing video. Looks like you're having a great time!
10th August 2010

Why didn't you have Sammy as your instructor...not that Willie Wonka is bad...

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