Surf Mon

Published: January 30th 2010
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What to do today? I awoke after a good sleep with nothing really planned but couldn't find Matt. There is a diner just down the road so I headed there thinking he was already up and about. Nope, couldn't find him so I had a nice breakfast then decided I wanted to surf again today. I signed up for a trip then got all my stuff ready to go. Just as I was about to leave, Matt strolled in. He had been out at a different diner with some friends and didn't get served for a long time. I jumped on the shuttle heading out and Matt caught one an hour later. We met out on the ocean and surfed the day away. It was awesome but neither of us wore a rash guard and paid for it big time. Our stomachs were red and sore but both of us had a good surf day. I smoked myself twice with my board, cutting up my foot and bashing the back of my knee but i think they were minor incedents. Back at the hostel I crashed early and Matt went out for some drinks. Tomorrow we are heading into Costa Rica so we packed all our stuff before bed.


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