Festivities and Farewells in Granada

Published: August 25th 2009
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So on the Sunday we finally head to Granada, where some of Frank's friends were flying down to meet us. We arrived to find a huge cowboy festival going on, with the streets full of horses and lots of DJs blasting out music while locals danced around in their cowboy gear.

We wondered around the streets for a while and walked up to the Lake with a great view of Ometepe Island but unfortunately tons of sandflies so we didn't stay long. After a while though, the strong sun and hundreds of smelly horses forced us back to the hostel where we sat around for a while relaxing before Frank's friends arrived.

Frank's friends were cool, although one was ill so he went to bed early. The rest of us, along with some others at the hostel, stayed up chatting till late before trying to head out to a bar. Unfortunately everything was closed by the time we left the hostel, and after meeting a local who had just been stabbed down at the beach, we decided to call it a night and miss the beach party.

Granada was a fairly pretty little city but still not quite what we were expecting, and after meeting the local who had been stabbed we didn't feel particularly safe, so a couple of days later we decided it was time to move on and booked our tickets to Guatemala.

That day, we sadly said our final goodbye to Frank and his friends, who decided to head back to San Juan del Sur. It was strange not having him around, and we were tempted to go back to the town where we had so much fun, but we knew there was so much more waiting for us in Guatemala so we had to keep going.


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