Getting to Nicaragua

Published: December 6th 2009
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Hey all!
So we made it though Honduras alive. We left Utila on the 2 PM ferry 2 days ago and then stayed in La Ceiba for a night at this German lady´s hotel ¨Rainbow Village¨. It was very nice but a bit pricey but she offered drives from the ferry and to the bus station so that was nice. La Ceiba is a dirty, sketchy city, like most cities in Honduras, so we didn´t want to be cheap there. We caught an 8:30 bus the next morning to Tegucigalpa which took 8.5 hours and then immediately took a taxi to a new bus which took 3 more hours to get to Choluteca, which is only 45 minutes from the Nicaraguan border. So basically 12 consecutive hours on a bus, pretty shitty. So last night, we stayed in Choluteca at a crappy little hotel that cost $4 and ate Chinese food from a grumpy server. Cockroaches seem to be a fact of life now, unfortunately. We randomly had a TV in our room and Wedding Crashers was on! That was a nice way to end a tiring day. This morning, we woke up at 6AM, got on a bus to the border, the border took a while and we got jipped outta some money (make sure you decide on prices before using services here!) and then we had to take 2 chicken buses and a taxi to get to our hostel in Leon. The chiecken buses were so packed that there were no seats for half the people and they were all squeezed standing up in the aisles. The chicken buses are all old school buses from the states and Canada. Travelling here is exhausting and we were just able to eat for the first time today half an hour ago (it´s 3 PM). I´m glad we didn´t stay in Tegucigalpa because it´s even dirtier than I thought it would be. Leon is ridiculously hot (you feel like you´re burning when you step outside) and it´s got some history and old buildings. There´s also sand boarding on a volcano which we might do tomorrow or the next day. Then we´ll head south to Granada and the island Ometepe with the volcanoes and then back to the mainland to bus down to San Jose.


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