Los Naranjos - Las Peñitas

Published: December 17th 2008
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Leaving Los Naranjos at 6 in the morning we managed to get to Tegucigalpa, the Honduran capital, by about 11, although we were expecting only a couple of hours journey. From there we literally jumped on a moving bus that would take us to Choluteca, from where we took a minibus to the Honduran side of the border. We were dropped off by the minibus and very swiftly picked up by a fat man on a trike, with space for the bags, who peddled us, rather half heartedly in my opinion, to the border formalities and part of the way to the bus stop for Leon, we may of got a bit ripped off but he was really struggling bless him. At 6pm, yes thats 12hours travelling so far, our bus to Leon left and we arrived in time to walk around trying desperately to find a hotel and some food!
We were woken from our slumber by a crying baby, not surprising considering not the best hotel for a child really, and headed to Las Peñitas, a small fishing village on the Pacific coast of Nicaragua. We arrived and were amazed by the beauty, long black sand beaches, dark but clean sea and sunsets out of this world. There we stayed for 3 nights, bumming around on the beach, swimming amongst the waves and body-boarding, as well as eating... huge plates of fish and rice for varying amounts, the $4 plate even I struggled to finish, a bowl of fish soup that must have included 2 whole fish, a dozen large prawns and several crabs etc. plus at least a litre of fluid and at last some bars of local chocolate that were divine! While staying we finally managed to get some of our washing done, at this stage that was a lot of clothes, only to find that when we got back to the dormitory that two French guys had taken the bags of laundry returned to us and left for Leon! As it turned out, after many frantic phone calls and a search party sent to find the boys in Leon, the bags originally given to us were full of the boys clothes and ours were safe, still in the hostal, anyway we got our two loads done for the price of one so can´t complain! We left very satisfied but also looking forward to our next destinations, hoping that they might impress as much as the beach here did.


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