“A Teacher is the best person God do!”

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October 25th 2006
Published: October 25th 2006
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… said by one of my students in a paper I had all the students write. They were being really bad today. They wouldn’t stop talking and fooling around. They were constantly out of their seats and weren’t responding to any of the classroom management strategies that were in place. I decided to just stop teaching (mid-science lesson) and sit at my desk. They eventually got the idea that I was upset with them. Jose asked me if I was mad. I said yes and just sat there hole-punching a bunch of sheets for the next week. I then got up and went to the bathroom.

While I was gone, I think one of my students said something to the rest of them because when I got back 2 minutes later, they were all quietly sitting in their desks looking up at me. I said “Oh we’re ready to learn now are we?” They all said yes so I continued the lesson. The period that followed Science was meant to be Language, where we were going to make coke floats and then do procedural writing about “how to” make a float. I decided they didn’t deserve this at the time so I had them write one page about why it’s important not to talk in class, respect your teacher, and respect your classmates. These are a few snip-its of what I received:

“We don’t want that said that this class is bad because will be worry to Miss Sarah and the class.”

“I promess that I will be the best boy in the classes. I promesst.”

“Because if we talk in class the teachers will be sad and mad because some of them are from other place and they come from to far only for teach students like us terribles.”

“We need to respect our teacher because she or he are taller than us.”

“I some days I talk. I am sorry! I love you Miss Sarah!”

“The teacher for Studios S. said that if we want respect we need to give respect too.”

“Now we are happy with the Miss because is fair to the Miss to do this... We love you Miss Sarah Willet.”

“We have to love one to others to have a beter class.”

“You need to respect the teacher becuese she is more big that you and is your teacher. She is the best person of the word.”

“We need to be respetful with the teacher because she is hear sorporting us.”

And here is a third grader’s opinion of what a teacher is:

“You need to be respectful to your teacher. She is the best person in the world. She can help you when you don’t understand. She can explain you about the chapter or story. She is the best person in the world that she study only for teach other people or to help other people to learn. And that is what I said a teacher is the best person God do!”

So cute. At lunch, they told Mr. Chris to distract me so they could do something. They then made me close my eyes and go to his room so they could do something… so not subtle. When I came back, there was a giant sign made with markers and construction paper that was taped to the board. It said “We are sorry Miss Sarah. We love you!” I do have great students and they are SO smart. They just need to learn to control the noise. I blame the fact that they’ve only ever done work where they sit in their desks reading a textbook and filling out a worksheet in their workbooks. I’d be antsy too if that were me. Yet when you try something out of the ordinary, they don’t know how to handle it and are also crazy. You can’t win really.

I am SOOO excited lately though about what I’ve been doing. After my last entry about school, I was motivated to do more with my students. In planning my language class, I was getting angry looking through the book. It doesn’t cover any specific topic well enough and tries to combine styles of writing that should not be combined. I decided I was going to scrap the textbook and do my own thing. I came up with some awesome ideas after MANY hours of looking through forums from teacher’s college and other websites.

Yesterday we started procedural writing. I had them all write instructions for me to “sharpen a pencil.” I then had the students read the instructions while I tried to follow them. It was so funny because a lot of students left out important details and laughed at how I pretended not to know how to sharpen the pencil. Today we took this lesson further and made coke floats. We read a story in reading class about root beer floats and they didn’t know what floats were so I bought ice cream and coke (they don’t have root beer here) and we made them. They then had to do procedural writing on “How to Make a Coke Float.”

Tomorrow we’re starting an awesome project that I am SOOOO excited about. We’re going to make a class newspaper. It’s a great way to look at writing structures like main idea (headlines), paragraphs (in articles), as well as writing styles. I’m going to have them look at a funny picture I give them (one of me acting crazy) and have them write a news story about what it happening. I’m going to have them write a question asking for advice and then have a friend give advice back. We’ll have movie reviews, letters to the editor, comics, crosswords, and all kinds of different types of writing. They won’t even realise how much practice they’ll be getting in writing until it’s all over and they have a finished product. OH MAN! I am so pumped.

I finally feel like I’m applying myself to something. It’s only one out of eight classes that I teach but it’s a start.

If anyone has ideas to make phonics class fun, that’d be greatly appreciated!


25th October 2006

Wow. I've made the executive decision that you're prety much a super hero. And I love you. And miss you. And I have a visitor coming the second weekend of November. Hoorah!
25th October 2006

P.S. That first comment about you being a hero that is super was mine.
25th October 2006

Too cute
Just had to share this one with my co-workers today - I could tell when they opened their e-mail and were reading it because I could hear the "aaawwww how cute" comments and the laughing. Wonderful way to start my day. Thanks Boo Love Mom
25th October 2006

Yo Sarah, First time I've commented! lol, sorry I haven't been... I loves you Miss Willett... lol. It's been crazy busy with work and classes and etc... (you remember) so I read your blogs and then start some other stuff. Just wanted to say hey, how goes. Sounds like those kids really like you down there. And like one of them said, teachers do have an impact, devoting their lives to teaching others. Something we really don't think about... Teachers are usually cast in a negative light ("Why did I get this mark? You're teaching them what?!) but every now and then a teacher comes along that chages the status quo. Hope you keep up the good work. Talk to you soon. Your cousin, T.J.
25th October 2006

These kinds of comments, cute and genuine, from a young, innocent heart and mind are the reasons all of Art Linkletter's shows (like Kids Say The Darnedest Things) worked on TV for so long, so many years ago. Priceless, Sarah. Godspeed to one of our gifts from God. And thanks for this. P.S. (SPELLCHECKER) — realize, realize, realize, realize, realize, realize, realize, realize, realize, realize, realize, realize, realize, realize, realize, and one more (caps this time) REALIZE (zed, zed . . . realize zed). Love, now and always, DAD XXX OOO
27th October 2006

awww. those comments by your kids were soo cute. way to go Sarah they really love you, and i think they are realizing how lucky they are to have you for a teacher. love you, miss you. XOXOXOXOX
29th October 2006

I just read your post on FirstClass about 20 mins ago. I remember making a newspaper when we were in Grade 3, and we also interviewed staff (admin, our teachers) and wrote about big events that had just past at the school (and by the sounds of it, you guys have a ton of holidays, celebrations, and exciting events). Since you just worked on procedural writing, they could also include a recipe or a "how to" article. Ads and sports could be fun too....it's a shame there would be nothing interestign abotu the weather though ("warm, sunny, beautiful as usual....yawn")...just kidding, I am insanely jealous! You'll have to somehow post the final copy if you type it up or anything! Good luck with it!

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