Arrival in Guatemala

Published: January 14th 2008
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Guatemalan busGuatemalan busGuatemalan bus

A real adventure...
Wow - what a journey into Guatemala! We got up at 6 am to leave San Cristobal (Great city, amazing market) and caught a bus to the Mexico / Guatemala border (about 3 hours). Crazy border crossing but uneventful 4 km journey over the border, then the travelling experience REALLY began.
Gone are the days of air-con coaches and reclining pre-booked seats... we are now on white knuckle rides! The crazy bus was painted a rainbow of colours which gave one the false feeling of entering a theme park ride... the first bus (about 2 hours) had a pretty crazy driver, but then next bus was white knuckle 2 hour journey with a total lunatic driver! no concern for cliff edges, hairpin bends or other vehicles on the road... billowing clouds of thick black smoke our bus raced around the mountains at break neck speed, all to blaring salsa music! Mercifully this bus was less crowded than the first (only 2 to a seat instead of 3) and luckily we had procured some travel-sickness tablets from a dodgy mexican pharmacy (anyone who has travelled in any vehicle with Penny will understand this necessity!)
We suppose the Guatemalan scenery is spectacular but it was too much of a blur to appreciate! However we arrived, just about alive and amazingly our rucksacks hadn´t fallen off the bus roof (they weren´t tied on or anything sensible...)
Today we were up before 5 to climb a volcano (Santa Maria - still active) Arduous climb up steep muddy / slippy slopes which took several hours and 2 casualties (not us!) but at the top we were rewarded with spectacular views accross the whole area, including volcano Santiaquito which was erupting as we watched it. (Penny´s sub note - Darryl threatened to trade me in for an older wife on our return home; the volcano climb was my idea....!)
Tomorrow we head to the local mountain villages and hot springs before braving another bus journey to Panajachel by Lake Atitlan.

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Photos: 4, Displayed: 4


The SummitThe Summit
The Summit

A long climb to 3372m

15th January 2008

Cracking pics...really jealous..wont believe how shitty the weather here is! Keep the blogs coming!
16th January 2008

Wow- looks fantastic. Very jealous! I've finished work now for 2 wks though so can't complain- still haven't decided where we're going. I look forwards to the next blog! Sarah x
17th January 2008

Blog pics
Dear penny and daryl, You is obviously haveng a great time in North Wales but you shood come back soon to see all theese patients who is missing you.Mikexxx

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