Meeting up with the gang of crazies.

Published: September 1st 2008
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Panajachel, 09 abril 1990.
I come back exhausted and dead tired from my long and strenouos hike to San Marcus La Laguna. I need a bath really but I feel so hungry I decide to go to my favourite gringo bar here in Pana first to wolf down a so-called Texas Breakfast, three omelettes, two hamburgers, fried potatoes, fresh vegetables, bread, coffee and a Bloody Mary On The Rocks.
Upon entering I can hear Michael's high shrieked giggle coming from across the bar. Sh*t, I seem to remember leaving this so-called brittish AA member in the evil hands of a enormously fat Momma back in Tegucigalpa in an obscure bar in a bad neighborhood some weeks ago.
I can already tell from his stupid giggles he's drunk, goodbye to the AA meetings he took me too, it has all gone down the drain...King Alcohol stroke again...maybe I should have my Texas Breakfast elsewhere and avoid possible disaster.
Too late though, I've been recognised by the people around him...James with his reclining hairline and huge beer belly that dominates his whole short body, Peter in his dirty unwashed blue jeans - not much blue to be seen there, just a soggy brown and grey cake of dust - and then there is Nora-Go-Happy, the afroamerican girlfriend of Peter-The-Dirty-Hippy with his bulky backpack that contained all these mind enhancing goodies.
There is no escape here...I've Nora around my neck in no time, her strong natural feminine smell invades my nostrils bringing back memories of Copan and Utila, her full dark brown lips are on mine before I even realise it, her hot and moist tongue entering my mouth cavity looking for******. Peter comes storming over grasping my hand in a tight grip and his other hand banging away on my shoulder "great to see you again man" his half drunk voice droning in my ears while his lady-friends is still holding on to me as though for sheer life itself.
Michael comes over too to to shake hands "hey buddy, nice to see you again, I teamed up with your mates", his heavily accented english is slurred and is gait is unstable betraying to me that is drunk as a skunk already at this early hour.
James stays at the bar, his eyes beaming absolute happiness, his skinny white arm around......SH*T IN HEAVEN.....THIS CAN'T BE, IT'S MARY CARMEN, the mentally unstable mexican lady I met in Guatamala-Ciudad and who followed me all the way to Antigua, the craze whom I suspected of serious brain damage, who could speak perfect english and norwegian, who carried a ton of luggage around and tried desperately to sick herself on me.
I walk over to James giving him a warm hug, "look at my new girlfriend, Hans", he proudly tells me holding on to Mary Carmen possessively.
In my left ear I can hear Nora whispering "we need a party tonight, Hans, we're overjoyed to see you again", while in my right ear I hear Micheal's shrieky english "what happened to you in that bar ther in Tegucigalpa, man? You won't believe what happened to me, man", a huge cloud of alcohol coming my way while Peter is laughing his head off.
Three times SH*T in a row, I'm afraid my sportive hiking days are over.


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