Observations from the Tree Tops

Published: January 14th 2015
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We have been in Costa Rica for 7 days, the first one doesn't really count cause we were trapped in the rain and fog on the mountain in a broken down van (see earlier blog). In that time, we have seen no TV, no CNN, we have met only five people that speak any kind of english at all and we have survived. We have also managed multiple trips up the mountain to the Vulcan Poas driving a five speed stick shift ( I say we, but its really Brian and Bruce driving) Anyway, the point is, this is really an experience.

Most people here live in very simple, rustic houses that are always surrounded by locked gates and bars. Even their cars are locked up behind bars. In the city of Alujara at the end of the day, every car, moter bike, scooter and bike is locked up. This is a puzzle to us becuse people here are so friendly and we don't know why there is such an obsession with the fear of having something safe from theft.

Police officers are everywhere, on every block and yet it does not give you the feeling of being oppressed. Although there are many cars and vans on the roads, the reality is most people walk wherever it is they need to go. The cars that are here are almost all very old. In the city, in the country we see people walking, carrying tubs and baskets and children up and down the mountains where there are virtually no sidewalks. It was a great day, so grateful to have a chance to be here.


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