Really, No hot water

Published: January 11th 2015
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We have arrived at our lodge, a large five bedroom log cabin. It is beyond rustic. We share a small meal oF chicken and look over the place. Not exactly what we expected. The wind and torrential rains are a bit scary and it is freezing. No heat. No hot water. We find as many blankets as possible and settle in for the very cold night. The wind howls all night and there is so much rain it is pouring down the walls of the living room. I text Tomas before we go to bed and explain what has happened .

Next morning, very wet. Haven't heard from Tomas. Breakfast pastry from across the streets bakery. Van is still dead. No hot water, no shower. Not what we were planning. An inauspicious beginning to a month long trip. We decide to call Tomas. I call and get ahold of Tomas and he hadn't gotten my text. He is very surprised and sorry for our troubles. He arranges for a cab to take us to a beautiful park with a lovely restaurant to spend the afternoon. He will come up after school to fix the van. I begin to prepare Tomas that we probably won't be able to stay here. The mold and mildew are very bad and Bruce will become sick with his asthma. So,to make a long story short, We have a lovely lunch at a very beautiful restaurant in the mountains. We spend the day there. Later the cab driver returns to take us back to the lodge where we meet Tomas. We can't stay here. He has arranged for us to go to a hotel in Alajuale. The Hotel 1915. It's not much to look at on the outside but when you walk through the door it is a very European style charming hotel. We have two rooms and hot water for showers. We are very happy, the staff is very welcoming and we settle in. Thank God. We find a charming bistro for a light dinner and look forward to a good nights sleep. More later


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