Day 15 - No Military = Double Christmas

Published: September 29th 2008
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Fried ChickenFried ChickenFried Chicken

Always good - everywhere.
Day 15 - No military = More $$

Had a big discussion in class today about racism and discrimination and the like. It was very interesting to talk about, especially because for the last 2 weeks (and the next 3 months) I’ve been the outsider. I talked about how that is somewhat ironic because I have a scholarship for Latin-American back at SU. What if someone that wasn’t Latino needed that money and was more qualified for the scholarship than I? Hmmm. Interesting things to think about.

At home I had a discussion with my Mama, brother Gustavo, and his girlfriend Wendy about taxes, healthcare, economy, etc. Apparently, in Costa Rica everyone (with a job) gets an EXTRA paycheck for the month of December - straight up. It’s not like getting taxes back, not like getting a Christmas bonus, but they just get an extra paycheck. If you make $5,000 in normal month, you just get two checks for $5,000. However, here in CR, they don’t have the safety net that we do. If you lose your job, there’s nothing to support you but family, unlike in the U.S. Also, Gus, who works for, said it can take him 6 to 7 months (working 5 days a week full-time) to make what I was granted to work at CYO Summer Camp. Wendy said it would take her 2 years. Interesting perspective.

On another note, fried chicken is good anywhere on the planet. I am now convinced.

I went to a bar called Congos tonight with the group. I got a beer the size of a baby for like $2. Talked with my buddy Nick for a while about life. He’s a good guy and sails too.


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