I cant speak any Spanish!!!

Published: February 7th 2008
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Hola amigos!

Ok, so I got here in one peace after 2 loooong flights. Got to the airport Wednesday morning, thanks again for taking me Papsi und Mamsi), and discovered staight away that my flight was delayed, 30 minutes, not much of a problem. Knowing well enough from experience that 30min is usually not quite accurate because ailines dont want to scare you away, so I already got a bad feeling about making my connections. Anyway, got on the plane to Atlanta, had a my own row of 3 seats, which was great, but it also came with a big dutch family next to me, who was very noisy!!! So, next thing I discovered, the screens didnt work, no TV for 10 hours!!! And I couldnt sleep!! Great! 10 long hours later, well actually 11 with a further delay of leaving Amsterdam, I legged it to customs and to the Delta Desk after who kindly told me that I had missed my flight. Option 1, take a later flight to Miami, stay overnight (paid by me) and fly to CR next day or pay extra and fly direct! Playing the lost little girl role, I did get the direct flight for free! Woohoo! Always works! Arrived late last night and very tired in San Jose and got taken straight to my host family the Figuero Murenos. The taxi driver got very excited when he heard I was German, no nothing dodgy!!!, he ran a Marathon in Berlin last year and got to try his german on me and in return taught me some well needed Spanish! Although boring and dangerous wont take me very far..
Well, Noemi my host mum was very understanding of my tiredness and only explained how the shower works and send me to my room, which is pretty small but will do! I even have a TV. My lack of Spanish definitely does not help in making any kind of conversation as hand and feet dont take me far either! Got up this morning, only heard Spanish from downstairs and stayed in bed for another hour, which was still only 8am!! Went for a cold shower, well, semi cold, bumped into Shannon, who is also staying with the family and had rice and beans for breakfast (Gallo pinto, I think she said...)! And toast.... Met another guy, Louis, who is also staying with the family. Havent quite figured out how this all works, but nevermind...
Ok, so, its 11.30 am and I am in school. Got a quick tour as I am not supposed to be here, but my family offered to take me in as they had to go into town anyway. Oh, big help, Sindy, my host sister is at home for 2 weeks at the moment and she speaks English!!! Got a quick tour and an info pack, school starts next Monday (Lunes) and am no online, obviously...

Quick weather info> Its hot! No, seriously, its realy warm even in the morning, quite sunny and there is absolutely no airflow!! But who am I to complain...

Well, hopefully I will pick up on the lingua here soon!

Kurze Info fuer meine deutsch sprechenden Leser> Hallo!!! Hier ist alles in Butter! Abgesehen von dem Flugchaos, welches ja gluecklicherweise geloest werden konnte. Die Familie ist soweit ziemlich nett, hab aber derbe Verstaendigungsprobleme... Haus ist gross, Zimmer klein, aber reicht! Oh, Shampoo ist uebrigens ausgelaufen! Sonst lief alles reibungslos ab. Warte jetzt auf Abholung von Noemi, Gastmutter und Sidney, ihrer Tochter, die letzte Woche einen Unfall hatte und jetzt das Auto wieder herrichten lassen muss. Aehm, sonst Wetter ist sonnig aber schwuel. Werde glaub ich Sonnenbrand kriegen! Hab den Kursplan fuer naechste Woche bekommen oder vielmehr Infos zu extra Tanz und Kochstunden.
Joa, sonst gibts auch grad nicx mehr, stehtt ja vieles oben schon... Sorry wegen Englisch...

Will keep you updated!

Hasta luego or pronto?



7th February 2008

cooles blog....freut mich von dir hier immer wieder mal zu lesen! muss jetzt einen vortrag halten und bin nicht richtig vorbereitet....mach´s gut und habe quark im kühlschrank (wegen dem Sonnenbrand)... die Münstertröte
7th February 2008

Buenos tardes! Glad you got there safely and you seem to have quite a few people around to look after you! Its still cold in England, eventhough didnt get the predicted snow, so your are not allowed to go on about it being hot!!! Enjoy the beans-keep me up to date on the food situation. Hasta lluego Vicki
7th February 2008

Have a good time in Costa Rica
Hello Katrin, fine that you have arrived at Costa Rica safely. Well, some times the flights are disappointing with delays etc. But anyway, that is the adventure of a long journey. You made it in 1-1/2 day. Columbus and his crew needed around 3 months! I have bookmarked your blog. So i will from time to time take a look, what news you have. From what i understood, is the most important thing at the moment, that you learn spanish. I can imagine, how you feel with that. It happend to me with french, when i found me all of a sudden working in Gabon, West Africa. I couldn't understand any french. But with a 2-weeks-intensive-Training in Germany the next holiday and with daily practise at work, it worked out after some weeks. I am sure, that will happen to you as well. Soon you will pick it up. Also take care during alcimatisation. Do not turn up the air condition to much. Easily you can get a bad flue - just an advise from an old experienced guy ;-) I have looked in Google Earth where San Jose exactly is. I found it in the middle between the atlantic and pacific coast. How far is it away from the turtle farm? Or will you travel every from San Jose to one of the coast? I guess the turtle farm with the turtles is at the coasts, isn't it? Maybe you can integrate the answers in your blog. That would be fine. For now all the best and friendly people around you. Juergen
13th February 2008

Schöne Grüße aus Österreich
Hallo Schwestechen, hab heut meinen freien Tag und habs geschafft Dein Blog zu finden weil ne Email ist nie angekommen. Freut mich zu hören das Du Dich dort zumindest mit Deiner Gastschwester verständigen kannst und gutes Wetter hast. Das Wetter hier bei Wien ist auch ganz in Ordnung nur etwas kalt. Haben zurzeit minus 2,5 Grad C und nachts wirds hier noch kälter. Ich wünsch Dir noch ne schöne Zeit und ich meld mich dann wieder wenn ich zurück in Deutschland bin. Bis denne.....

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