Ahhh Montezuma

Published: April 11th 2006
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Hola amigos, I´m still in Montezuma and it´s really beautiful here. I´ve met some great people that I´ve been hanging out with for the last few days. One of them is even from Prince George, haha sucker. My tent on the beach is great, not that I really spend much time in it. I usually get up around 5:30am because my tent is in the sun. But it´s great, the beach is deserted at that time of day so I can get in some sunrise yoga...oh yeah. Yesterday we went on a pretty intense hike up to a crazy waterfall and did some jumping. It was nice to get into some fresh water and not be trashed by huge waves every couple of minutes. The hostel is run by a bunch of crazy Italians, I think they drink a lot because I have had the same conversation with one of them about three times. I got yelled at in Spanish for getting sand on their porch and I had to go sweep it up, you have to respect the porch 😊 At night there is a lot of card playing and drinking Imperials (Costa Rican beer) and generally just lazing around. We had a huge feast yesterday of fresh bread, mangoes, avocado, cheese and strawberries. Mmmm it was yummy. I forgot to mention that I saw a bunch of alligators lying on a river bank when I was on the bus from Jaco to Puntarenas. That was close enough for me. I don´t know what my plan is now because it´s Semana Santa and buses are shut down from Thursday till Monday. I might just stay here or head up to Santa Elena tomorrow. Who knows, I´m on a day to day schedule here, seems to be the best plan to have. Adios for now!!


11th April 2006

Day X Day
Sounds like you are doing awesome for just winging it. It is the best way to go by far. Some future plans are good but just let your feet tell you when you want to go. I usually get itchy feet after 4-5 days in the same place. There must be lots to see. Soooo can't wait to feel that heat all over me. I like it. Not so much the sweating constantly, but the absence of chill is wicked.

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