Monday and a new week

Published: May 3rd 2022
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We left early this morning (just at 7 am!) to go birding up north again. We did get one new bird: the Caribbean dove. All the doves and pigeons here are quite lovely, and so different. Then we enjoyed time just walking around the parking lot at the Queen Elizabeth Botanical Gardens, without buying admission again. After lunch back at the ranch we almost decided to have a “dry day,” but instead ventured forth into the area right outside our AirBnB again – but it was quite disappointing. 10 minute of kicking to get to any fish of note – 350 kicks in my count! But we saw some interesting shells, including one large old conch shell that had a damsel fish guarding it – and ducking in and out. We’d never see that behavior before. Might the fish have eggs inside? Damselfish are notoriously territorial in any country.

We also saw a little mollusc called a "flamingo tongue." or maybe it's a snail.

Then we went off to Fosters for another food shop – mostly to eke out our lunch fixings, and get some grapes and coffee, as I obviously didn’t bring sufficient. We decided to each get a ready-made meal: Jean’s was an Asian sesame chicken and some noodles with veg, and David just got ribs to add to the rice at home. Both were very tasty and certainly less expensive than eating out. So, we passed up theMonday “Cow Foot Soup” special at the local jerk chicken shop we visited the other day. Did we report on the specials already? Evidently not. The Friday special on soup is yet to come – “Mannish Water.” Or goat testicle soup! Oh dear. Should we or shouldn't we?

David enjoyed a lovely nap this afternoon – we seem to take turns. Jean did not have a nap, but even when she does, it’s usually just 15 minutes. So, this writer is starting to flag, even though we just ended a very very exciting zoom meeting with Emily and Matt, with whom we will be traveling to new and uncharted waters to Costa Rica only a week after this adventure ends. More adventures, Sancho!

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