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August 31st 2005
Published: August 31st 2005
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So yesterday was my first official day at sea. As Laura and I stood up on deck 7 yesterday at 5pm it became real, a random bagpiper began playing a jig and the horn sounded and we were off…It was hard saying bye to my parents. The tears were flowing as we said our goodbyes, and it’s still so weird to think that I’m not going to see them, or any of my friends for that matter, until December, ah…

Laura and I have the perfect cabin location as we are on the fourth floor practically in the middle of the ship (the ship has 7 decks). We can definitely feel the ship moving, not so much in our cabin as in other places, but as Laura put it “I feel tipsy and I haven’t had anything to drink.” (Neither of us has had to use our motion sickness meds or bands yet, but there are a lot of kids wearing them.) The room looked small in the pictures, but in real life it was miniature. The beds are abnormally thin, the bathroom is compact and the mini fridge is 2 cans of coke deep and a bottle of ranch dressing high. At first glance I didn’t know how it was going to work out, but honestly, it’s really not that bad and I slept like a baby. Yesterday, the first day at sea, I accomplished many missions. I met the Saskatchewan boy for Sandra (he lives 4hrs north of Saskatoon) and I talked to Sony, the video woman. I told her that I was interested in helping her and that I had my own video production company, and she was thrilled and said that anyone who helps gets a free DVD, score! Also I got this huge bottle of water 1.5 L and it was only $1.50, $1.50!!!!! That’s amazing! Half that bottle at regal is $4.00 and coming from the Atlantis it would have been like $10.00, but I got it for $1.50. Last night, Laura and I went to bed relatively early cause we were beat, (12ish) This morning we had orientation, we were given the rules, the do’s and don’ts and were introduced to the faculty and staff. We were then able to meet our professors and ask any questions. All of my classes seem interesting. Its 11:30am now, and Laura and I are just sitting on the deck, out by the pool, trying to decide what side trips we want to do. AH! Hahahah! It’s a rough life. It’s not even the first day of classes but I’m going to get used to this life quick and I can tell you right now its going to suck to go back to UB in the winter.

There’s still a lot that I have to get used to though, not only do I have to get used to being on a ship, I have to get used to the college life, losing contact with everybody and being away from home. I have never been on my own in a dorm situation. I have never shared my room with anybody. I have never been gone for 100 days. It’s a big change. I’m glad that I am doing this though, and wouldn’t trade it for the world!

We’re on our way to Venezuela, we will arrive there on Saturday Sept 3; I probably won’t post again until I’m there/ have left.



31st August 2005

Wow Nicki it sounds awesome! I hope you enjoyed the Atlantis!! It will take a lot of time to get used to everything that you are doing. Take your time. Everything will settle down. Just the amount of choices you have are endless. Where to eat and who to meet. You will get in the swing of things. It will take about to weeks to finally feel settled! Have fun on the first day of class. I will talk to you later. Love, Jeff
31st August 2005

Lucky You
31st August 2005

I'm Jealous
Hi- Sounds like you are starting to enjoy this semester at sea. I'm so happy for you but like just about everyone else I wish I were there with you - for the fun - Looking forward to hearing your remarks about your visit to Venezula. Also looking forward to hearing what you mom and dad have to say about the ship, your trip etc. Keep me posted. You are in my thoughts and prayers as always. Oh by the way I talked to Jeff last nite. He sounds like he is adjusting to college life just fine. Sounds like he has a busy schedule to me. Said he has been too busy to be homesick. We'll see. Likes his room mate and someone he knows from South is down the hall from him. I'm sure he will be contacting you soon. Love ya Grandma
31st August 2005

yo wut up. glad to hear u having fun. sandra named my monkey so its called spunky monkey. same old garbage going on here. nutten fun. well take care have fun and well u kno peace out. chunx
1st September 2005

We Made it home
Hi Nicki, It is already thrilling to read all about your first few days. Dad and I have been, thinking about and wondering how it is all going. It was hard to say goodbye but I left feeling very confident that you are ready and well prepared for this journey. You know that we are in constant prayer for you and Laura and well the staff, crew, Captian faculty etc.. It was fun and exciting to be on the ship and hear all you are going to experience and learn. It was also,great to see you on the ship,in your Cabin, your new home and pray with you and Laura before we left. As sad as I felt leaving you, my excitment for you is far greater. I will look forward to reading your blog, It is a great way to keep in touch. I love you honey. Enjoy yourself, it sounds like you already are. We left the Atlantis,Paradise Island at 9:30am and made it home at 10:30pm due to delays. It was very strange to walk into the house with no-one home not even Heidi... I guess we are going to be adjusting too. Enjoy Venezuela and wish Laura a happy 21st Birthday for us. Hope she likes her birthday gift, the watch! ...Hugs and Blessing, Mom
2nd September 2005

Ha wow buddy, that sounds awesome. Yeah I can definitely imagine you and Laura sitting there on the deck chillin on the water...too cool. Is the guy from Saskatchewan hot? lol. Have fun in Venezula, can't wait to hear about it! Oh, and by the way, check your gmail. Thanks. Miss you! You're the coolest!
3rd September 2005

Hey Nicki! I thought of you today (well, i think of you everyday, but especially today) because i was going to get my car inspected...and it didnt pass! haha...yea, i've got to fix a few things. Anyways, I hope you're enjoying yourself and soaking up the sun!! Good luck as you start all of your classes!! I'll talk to you later! Love, Angel

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