yaron and hagit's Guestbook

2nd July 2006

Can I write english with you?
Hi guys, Thanks for the 4 hours that went into this blog entry. The conversations that you cited are absolutely hilarious. (although you might not share my sentiments) Your walk on the wall seems absolutely awesome. and by the way, google-ing "Hagit and Yaron" works as well. Looking forward to your next blog entry from Chengdu, RM
18th June 2006

My spontaneous reaction to lake Karakul
"Pi Kus-Emek!" (sorry for the profanity, but it looks like one of the wildest, most beautiful places I've ever heard of. Even compared with the much "nicer" Tian Chi.)
From Blog: Kashgaria
18th June 2006

Doors and Frames
Doors are an obvious photo subject- they give you the frame-inside-a-frame feel. Always make the photo look like it's leading to somewhere (or make you guess what's behind the closed ones). I liked the traditional Yurt entrance- reminded me of Nepali door-covers (I even bought one for home, you know?). The first door (with the kid) is also a great shot, as well as the open one in the mud wall (doors from nowhere to nowhere). Do you want me to start giving you photography homework? I know I will greatly enjoy it, but I'm not sure you guys will ;-)
12th June 2006

Flora and Fauna
Yaron, technically speaking, your wife is not a flower (and I think you know her father is not a gardener). I could add to this line of verbal games, but this is, after all, a public space. I like the appendix more than the main entry (or at least as much). This is web-writing- concise, to the point, adding next to nothing over the main point, except for a light personal touch. Douz-point. Some of the flowers look really great in the pictures ( and I'm sure they were even better in real life). I liked the Irus-looking one best. As for the main blog- it's good to see you're not wasting time even though you have all the time in the world. Festivals are always a good choice. And celebrating on the road (be it BD, anniversaries, or just plain-old holidays from home) is always an experience to remember. I, personally would like to hear more about travelling with Chinese tourists. Don't know if you'll be up to it again, but it sounds like a weird way to mix local atmosphere with touristy atmosphere. Keep on enjoying yourselves, LK. PS thanks for the Mazal-Tov, and the same to Hagit for being 27 again. PPS It would take some time before I catch up on everything, for obvious reasons... I didn't expect to get to respond that quickly. PPS why comment on this instead of the main blog entry? To be the first, of course! What were you thinking?!?
11th June 2006

We also join in wishing Michal and Lior the best! (and are waiting for Lee-Kay's comments as usual)
11th June 2006

excellent festival pictuers!
I especialy liked the girls on the rock! too bad you put the deset pictures first. Lake Kanas is the highlight.
11th June 2006

Happy birthday.
Happy birthday - Hagit. It seems like u have the best Honeymoon/Birthday ever known to men! Keep on like that. Dash to Yaron.
7th June 2006

Did you just call Hong Kong the third world??? !!!
6th June 2006

I see you found it even though it wasn't in my blog ;) Keep on exploring! We are all jealous here. It's been almost exactly a year since I visited this exact same place!!! How time passes... R.
From Blog: silk road
31st May 2006

some people have all the luck
well, next time my turn
29th May 2006

man oh man, this is getting better every time! makes me wanna pop up in china... :)) awesome pics!!!!!! ohados
29th May 2006

It's getting better all the time
A. Your Jiuzhaigou pictures are amazing. I know that in many of those places you just cannot fail (click at a random direction and you have a postcard), but still they are beautiful. I can't wait to see the full size file, or better yet printed on 60X80. B. Sounds like the food is getting better as well- is it the general trend, or are you getting more picky? (Or did someone's parents scare them with "you're getting so thin I'm coming to get you...) C. Nice touch with the MaoDonald's picture ;-)
24th May 2006

cool pics
DUDEs. i'm sitting in a cafe in rishikesh india and my friend here says your pics are awesome! i fully agree. hope you get better very soon. try the antibioics if you have recurrences. i also think ipod is the coolest invention since penicilin. it's absolutey amazing. take care both of you ohados
24th May 2006

A big dilemma
On the one hand, I want to shoot you both for being there while I'm here having to work for a living (not to mention all the rest of the shit). On the other hand, I want you to keep on travelling and taking photos of those places I'm not likely to visit in the coming years (decades?). In the meantime, since I have no way of shooting you through the web, you're spared. PS. how long was the night picture exposure? It's incredibly steady. Also the sky pictures are great (and the little boy too). PPS. I vote for the chicken-burger. You know my take on local food vs. fast food (will make you sick even faster than you can eat it).
22nd May 2006

total weight
...It appears that Yaron is keeping his total weight balanced, that is, man and bag together...
22nd May 2006

considering myself a photography hobbiest...
I must say... wow! keep up the good (leg and camera) work !
18th May 2006

Invisible cities
I've never seen Lijiang like this. Not that I've seen it with my own eyes (http://www.ynet.co.il/home/0,7340,L-3963,00.html) but it's the same second hand (with a different first hand). Reminded me of Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities. One of those cities that is different for every visitor. Not only looks different, it _is_ different. If you haven't read the book- get it. It's as excellent a read as any for travelling in China.
From Blog: Yunnan
12th May 2006

If you continue like that I'll go back to China instead of traveling in new countries... Kepp on enjoying... R.
From Blog: ah Yangshuo
10th May 2006

Who's the director?
Hagit's picture in the HK skyline looks like it's taken from a Vim Venders movie (have you seen "Until the End of the World"?). As a purist I should remind you that eating McDonald's in the third world is blasphemy. The only possible excuse is free surfing, if they give it there ;-)
4th May 2006

Fast switch
I must say thay you made the switch from normal days atmosphere to backpacker's very fast. Then again, maybe you never stopped backpacking since last time.
1st May 2006

Have a great trip!
With such an entry while still here in the holy land I just can't wait to reat the rest. But where are the pictures of NATBAG 2000? :) Have a great time there, even though the Chinese can be hard! I really feel like traveling again knowing that you are starting your own journey to so many familiar places... Well, I'd better stop now. Take care, R.

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