Kate Buchan


Kate Buchan

This blog was started on the occasion of me going to Thailand. This wasn't particularly planned, but a chance I couldn't refuse! So, on return from my holiday there in October, I quit my job and told my flatmate I was going to move out...

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Soppong December 15th 2015

When the winter starts it gets cold...it's getting really cold...I have to wear socks in the morning! I got a bit addicted to getting up at 5am to drive up the ridge to see the sunrise, so here is a small selection.... read more
Sea of Fog
Thalee Mok
Pah Ahtit Khoon

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Soppong November 28th 2015

In Huai Hea, about an hour or so north from Soppong. This is a village where John used to live. They were doing this ceremony for Nah-lor who has had 4 operations and bits taken from her brain. This is the Lahu trying to bring one of her souls back into her body to heal her. No pictures of the actual ceremony, but hopefully it will be shown on the BBC next year.... read more
New friends
My guavas and the view

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Soppong November 25th 2015

I spent the day making Kratong. These are little floating offerings, made out of banana leaf and a thick chunk of banana stalk for the floaty bit. Then you stick on flowers and banana leaves twisted into shapes to make it look as beautiful as possible. In Ban Tham Lod, we released ours at the entrance of the cave and they floated through (or sank, depending on luck mostly). There was music and dancing too. Moo dressed me up in one of her Shan outfits.... read more
My Kratong
Making Kratong at Cave Lodge
Getting ready

Asia » Vietnam » Northeast November 6th 2015

When I arrived in Cat Ba town I felt super happy. It is beautiful, chilled out, and small. On the first day I went on a boat ride through the bay, kayaked into 'secret' lakes, swam in the sea (but freaked myself out by imagining all the creatures that could be lurking in the murky water), then sunbathed on the deck on the way back to port. Day two was spent in a state of complete relaxation. I walked to a restaurant on a viewpoint with a book I picked up from the guesthouse and sat there for 3 hours, then wandered around the coast path to see the beaches, then wandered back to the other side and watched some people fishing. Day three I went rock climbing. Definitely out of shape, but the guides made ... read more
Ha Long Bay
Rock Climbing
Kayaking around Ha Long Bay

Asia » Vietnam » Northeast November 2nd 2015

Holiday. Loved Hanoi. Busy but so much to see. My favourite was the Revolution museum. And walking around the streets. And the merchant house. And the lake in the early morning. Got annoyed by fellow tourists talking all through the water puppets performance and sticking cameras up in front of the stage. Feel proud to have figured this city out a bit.... read more
There should be more of these
Off the beaten track!

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Soppong September 27th 2015

John and I went for a walk to see a cave near a village called Mae La Naa. I have been in this cave before, but went in from the other end. If you went all the way through it is 12 km long!... read more
Tham Nam Hoo

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Soppong September 21st 2015

It's the end of Buddhist 'lent'. During the last 3 months, the elders of Ban Tham spend 3 nights each month in the temple, at different points of the lunar cycle. As Monks don't eat after midday, I guess the people in the temple don't eat either. And so the following morning the get breakfast served by the community. Today was Cave Lodge's turn.... read more
Waiting for food
Feeding the monks

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Soppong September 9th 2015

I had just got back from Cambodia, a little bit ill, but John, Steve, a guest, and I went to find Sacred Well Cave.... read more
Sacred Well
In the cave
Cave entrance

Asia » Cambodia » West » KaĆ“h Rong September 5th 2015

Stop three. Chilling on an Island.... read more
View from Hostel Restaurant
'Walk' over the Island

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh September 4th 2015

Second stop. Sightseeing in Phnom Penh.... read more

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