Vennessa ILG


Vennessa ILG

I love to travel and serve God's people

It was so nice waking up to singing birds and cool air. I stepped outside and enjoyed the first 15 minutes of my day by soaking in the beauty of the flowers and other vegetation after the rain last night. Breakfast was delicious (eggs, black beans and plaintains). The coffee was the best I've had (should be since we are surrounded by coffee trees!). We talked about the 4.8 earthquake that we had last night.....I thought it was weird waking up to the bed shaking!! Today was going to be a fun, relaxing day! We headed out for our!! It was a bit chilly and overcast, but we were ready! We all piled into this little truck and held on for our dear lives. We drove up to the top of the mountain to the ... read more
El Salvador 2011 367
Resort's lodge
Beautiful table made of an old tree

Well, today was our last day with Pastor Francisco and friends! We enjoyed another wonderful breakfast of fried black beans, scrambled eggs with cheese and coffee. After devotions, we headed straight to Alba and Juan's home. Our goal was to level off the room, moving dirt again to the other side of the street. We used the pic-ax and shoveled dirt into buckets and carried them across the street...up and down the hill! The dirt was heavy and wet. The great thing is we had many of the ENLACE staff with us to help! We formed an assembly line to get the job done faster. I took a couple minutes to step back and watch the team....they were getting worn out. People were missing the bucket while shoveling, and barely able to hold the shovels. A ... read more
El Salvador 003

I was up most of the evening thinking about all the people crazy it is for them to be as poor as they are, yet so happy...almost happier than us Americans! I am determined to learn as much about the people, language and culture in order to help them! We enjoyed a traditional breakfast (black beans, cheese, ham and avocado burritos with cafe). The devotional was quite good. Candy presented on culture shock, which is quite relavant for her. She is doing such a great job embracing each day. We ended up spending most of the day at the second work site....hiked through the corn fields, through the mud. Jefferson was SO happy to see us! His face is always full of joy. The goal today was to level out the dirt on the outside ... read more
El Salvador 2011 137
El Salvador 2011 138
El Salvador 2011 139

Ah...what a great night of rest! We met Arturo in the lobby of the hotel bright and early to head to the pastor's home for breakfast (more beans, plantains, eggs, salsa and cafe). This morning's devotional was one of my favorites - "HOW is much more important than WHAT". God asks us to serve with a Christ-like attitude and make ourselves as we are nothing. Jesus is the King of Kings and he came down from heaven and humbled himself, appeared as a man, and became obedient to death. He was not in a hurry on His journies...when people stopped Him on the streets, He listened...really listened. He ALWAYS put others first. After chowing down, we headed to the second work site, where we found a larger work-crew. Here there were two homes, one for Reena ... read more
El Salvador 2011 066
Gumby really likes cucumbers!
Gumby enjoying the ride on the back of the van

Buenas dias! Bright and early, we were ready to work! We met up with Arturo in the hotel lobby to head to Pastor Fransisco's for desayuno. The ladies had cafe, pancakes y leche ready for us. I really enjoy the hospitality of the women and the simplicity of the life these people live. I led devotions on God giving us the power and strength from within that we need to do His will here in El Salvador - amongst the team and upon our return to the States. We should believe that God can do much more than we could ever imagine or dream, but we must believe and trust in Him. After breakfast, we headed to the work site of Alba and Juan Carlos, where our paid workers (Ricardo and Juan) were already there preparing ... read more
Kids playing at the site
El Salvador 431
Helping yet playing

We had the wonderful opportunity to be taken by Pastor Francisco into the community. We saw a new home that Willow helped to build - WOW! The lady living there was full of joy! She was excited to be making tortillas in her kitchen OUTSIDE her home. Something as simple as a brick home with secure walls and a door that locks.....the joy on her face brought tears to my eyes. We then headed to our first site where we would be working. Along the way, we were able to experience the excitement of 3 little boys (no older than 8 years old) who were running and jumping into the creek. They were screaming and laughing and one could not help but giggle themselves. I couldn't get the smile off my face! :) The only thing ... read more
El Salvador 2011 022
El Salvador 2011 023
El Salvador 2011 024

What a glorious day! We woke up after a solid night's rest. After taking cold showers, we headed downstairs at the hotel for some coffee and our morning team devotion. Our devotion time was quite nice - talking about the Great Commission and doing whatever it takes to be the hands and feet of Jesus to all people (Matthew 25:31-46). We promised to do whatever is needed to those who are in need. God calls us to serve and to do it joyfully - for we would expect others to do the same for us. We then got to enjoy a delicious breakfast - fresh squeezed cantelope juice, 2 huevos, frijoles, watermelon toast and pancakes (I didn't get to try them...too American!). Pat tried coffee for the first time since 1974...and he liked it! :)... read more
Pastor Francisco's home
Pastor Francisco's Garden

North America » United States » Illinois » Chicago August 20th 2011

Wally and Patrick picked me up at 4:15am! We met Candy and Brittany at OHare Airport and experienced quite a long line to load our luggage and check-in. We barely made it through security - and HAD to get our coffee....we were all dragging! Oh and there was a Starbucks right there! Perfect! Oh the coffee tasted so good....Gumby thought so too! :) After sitting at our gate for about 20 minutes, Patrick noticed that the listing changed from Houston to Cleveland. Oh no! Did we miss our flight?! Impossible...we've been there the whole time! (Gumby....Gumby....Gumby...we're flexible, right?) The friendly flight lady rescheduled us onto the next flight to Houston. ... read more
Gumby hiding
Hotel Tolteka
Gumby gettin his Starbucks!

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