twhit9149's Guestbook

27th July 2011 is 2:15am and I am laughing histerically at your story with the cows...I am glad u r having fun on the trip and your stories r great!
26th July 2011

I am singing the knothole song :)
From Blog: Tea for two x 2
19th July 2011

Bring some of the rain back with you. We are expected to be in the 100's by week's end.
19th July 2011

Sounds like you're having a fabulous time. How was your "super tea"?
18th July 2011

I am counting down the days til Thursday....I cant wait to talk to you both!!!
17th July 2011

Ut Oh.... I think Pip Pip Cheerio maybe something you have picked up that may stick with you upon your arrival back across the pond!
16th July 2011

This is great stuff to read, thanks so much. Say hi to Jean for me!
16th July 2011

I can't believe Jean's minor catastrophe has left me speechless and laughing. Tam, did you at least get a picture?
16th July 2011

I'm so glad your having fun, and that you decided to take a day of rest and enjoy your views without some aching feet! I love the stories! Now for the I told you so....always pack at least 2 pair of underwear per day of travel! You can st
ill purge as you go, but you don't have to worry about washing any at any time, and further more no worries of Ronnie, or the sheep, cows, or boys seeing your panties drip drying above them! Ha ha ha! Classic Tammy story! Beginning to miss you...
16th July 2011

Hahahahahahahaha! So funny, definitely laughing out loud!
16th July 2011

OK, I am so down with the Two Fat Ladies scenario.....I'll keep eating to ensure I am ready for my part!!!! Just so you know, my mouth began watering at the mention of a bakery.....I am so jealous. Does anyone reading these blogs have an
y info on how to astro-plane??? :)BTW, you better watch out flapping your panties in the wind over of those gusts could blow them to Scotland! And then without any draws.....that Heathrow pat down could get interesting!! Please do not appear in the "Mirror" scandal section without me!!!HiJean, good luck to you in taming Tammy!!! Miss you guys!
16th July 2011

I love the underwear story. Reminds me of the time my mom left hers and my dads out on the clothesline all night. Only to discover the next morning that some bored teens in the neighborhoohd had fun removing them off of the line overnight
and tastefully placed them on their bushes, mailbox, lamppost , trees and front door. You can imagine my dad's face the next morning when he went out to get the paper!
16th July 2011

What the heck is clotted cream? I don't like the sound of it!
From Blog: Tea for two x 2
15th July 2011

LOL! That is hysterical! At least you figured it out! I might have thought I was just hearing voices in my had! Yes Shari and I were routing on the Britih chefs last nigt! I think I need to come and experience some of teh culinary cuisi
ne so that I can have another party! Get the recipe for that pudding..Oh yea..and keep on having fun! Love to hear it!
15th July 2011

See.....Apple really is spying on all of us!!!! :) Great story sista. Keep em comin!
15th July 2011

You two deserve some kind of medal! My knees ache at the thought of your trip. Tammy, your descriptions are hilarious!! I hope you have taken pictures along the way. Can't wait for the next adventure letter!!!Emily
13th July 2011

Luv the "nature" story. It reminds me of the time I was in a similar situation in a woods when an entire "boy scout troop" came marching by. The problem? I wasn't finished yet but had to make it look like I was with pants up and zipped (
as I continued to let it roll down my leg.) Needless to say, the lake nearby was a good cover-up. Especially if you like to swim with your clothes on!
13th July 2011

Oh Tammy your trip sounds like so much fun! I look so forward to reading your posts! Last night on Chopped, it was the "British Invasion" Jenni and I thought it was pretty funny that there you are in England and here in america British cook
s are competing for our amusement!! Can't wait to hear your stories in person. I'm guessing you haven't run into a member of Duran Duran yet since no one has shown up at my door. If anyone can convince them to pay me a visit -it would be you! All is well in the land of flat & falcons - and we lookinh forward to hearing more from you soon!!
12th July 2011

you two just have me cracking up!!!! love the stories!!!!
12th July 2011

Love the stories, keep em coming
12th July 2011

Jean... Most English don't have the greatest fashion just tell everyone this is a new American style for the summer!
12th July 2011

Whitson Walk...hahaha I know that walk FOR SURE...when you have to JOG to Room 1 to keep up with you from room 3...
11th July 2011

hahah typical mom again :) All those terriers mean that Doak and I were there in spirit!!! Cant wait to see pics! Miss you both!
11th July 2011

I am glad Mom finally figured out her watch! I was laughing through this whole blog today, hahahha. you both crack me up! Not surprising that mom left you in the dust...she can kick both our butts :)
11th July 2011

Sweetheart sounds like a wonderful time but what Whitson's are you talking about. You ever, I mean EVER, walked with your Uncle Al and Aunt Kris... god love them but I would be into town and back........Keep posting enjoying reading about
your adventures.

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