Page 7 of thebaz Travel Blog Posts

Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Orange June 21st 2014

Oh what a glorious feeling it was to sleep in, although tempered somewhat by the barking in my hamstrings from yesterday's extended climb. At 9:00 it is already 23 degrees with a forecast high of 35 - thankfully our hotel 'room' (somewhat of a misnomer, as there isn't very much) is air-conditioned. While our laundry tumbled next to the gas pumps I sent postcards on their way, picked up gifts for those at home, and meandered through the village streets before returning to the hotel to swap out my now badly-worn chain. Now I think I'll go for a dip in the pool. Ah, the life of leisure when you don't have to bearthe heat and wind for a day. ... read more

Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Orange June 20th 2014

A long, hot, and demanding ride prior to a day off saw us all get in rather late, so this entry will likely only be posted on Saturday (especially since France is playing another World Cup match tonight, and I feel obligated to watch. You know - out of respect for our hosts). Always a glutton for punishment (well, at least until my next birthday, at which point I may decide to start making some concessions), I opted to do the 'full' climb of Mont Ventoux, which first took me through the Gorges de la Nesque. Although this necessitated giving back much of yesterday's hard-earned elevation, it was well worth it as the views through the Gorge were exceptionally pleasant. Surprisingly, the road through it has a high mid-point, so I ended up giving back even ... read more
site-of-yesterday's-dinner (as-promised)

Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Sault June 19th 2014

With the wet weather now seemingly behind us, today I decided it was time to play photographer and capture some of the scenery we have been riding through. We started with the requisite rush-hour (i.e. diesel-infused) climb out of the city, which soon took us to the intersection where the "nominal" (i.e. shorter) and "alternate" (longer) routes diverged, at which point I and 3 others opted for the latter. Climbing steadily, we left the city behind very quickly and were immediately rewarded with stunning views of whence we had come. Unfortunately, my willingness to pause and take photos did not seem to mesh with the plans of my companions so I let them go on ahead and settled in to enjoy the day and the scenery alone. This being France, massifs loomed everywhere, and the views ... read more

Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Gap June 18th 2014

Having dutifully studied all available weather data, I left my room cautiously optimistic that I might be able to repeat yesterday's feat of dodging the droplets: the forecast called for a partly cloudy morning followed by afternoon showers and thunderstorms, and I felt I just might be able to make it to Gap before the heavens opened. Alas, the morning started slowly, with the low-hanging clouds and lingering spits of rain in the air no doubt dampening everyone's mood (get it?). Whatever the reason, we set off almost a full hour after I had planned, which of course set me fretting, but I was determined to ride with the group rather than be a recluse. As we pedaled slowly out of town I recalculated my arrival time and hoped the predicted precipitation wouldn't be punctual. Fortunately ... read more

Europe » France » Rhône-Alpes » Alpe d'Huez June 17th 2014

With today being a layover day, I decided to take advantage of the fact that I didn't need to have my stuff packed and ready by 8:00 to sleep in as best I could - all the way to 7:30. That would have been quite luxurious (my body is still quite confused about what is going on, given my erratic sleep/wake times and eating cycles) were it not for the fact that I got to sleep (vs. to bed) late due to the rather sonorous slumber of my fellow traveller. Having had a reasonably hard day yesterday, and not wanting to revisit areas I have seen before, I ignored our suggested routes and opted instead to investigate Deux Alpes, a moderate climb on the other side of the valley from Alpe d'Huez. The climb itself was ... read more

Europe » France » Rhône-Alpes » Alpe d'Huez June 16th 2014

It's funny how quickly one adapts to eventful days: last night at dinner I noted we've had only one riding day and yet already it feels like we've been on tour for a while - probably due to yesterday's unanticipated extreme climb, or perhaps because I am having a hard time finding time to catch up on much-needed sleep. Regardless, it's not a bad life (although gruelling at times). At any rate, I awoke this morning feeling tired and sluggish, with last night's meal still feeling heavy in my gut. Rather than spend almost 10 Euros on the hotel breakfast I walked up the block to the bakery and improvised. I am sad to report the croissant was not up to the standard I expected - must be a big city vs. small town thing. Then ... read more

Europe » France » Rhône-Alpes » Voiron June 15th 2014

Despite getting to sleep at 2:00AM because my room-mate (and head tour organizer) Tom and I opted to watch the England-Italy soccer match that started at midnight, I still made it to the van at the specified 8:00 for the ritual group start photo. For various reasons it was actually after 9:00 before we finally headed off en masse to work our way out of the city and determine who was where, cycling-readiness wise. After rolling past cultivated fields around Lyon we encountered the first of our no-name climbs, one of which (in Saint Chef) had the undesirable feature of a traffic light in the middle of it. This was rather necessary inasmuch as the road narrowed to a single lane at that point, but was still unwelcome, especially as the light turned red just as ... read more

Europe » France » Rhône-Alpes » Lyon June 14th 2014

It has been one very long day and I am barely maintaining consciousness as I type this, but we have successfully installed ourselves in Lyon (really St. Priest, a suburb), ready for tomorrow's inaugural day of cycling. Our flight left even later than advertised (and then we got stuck behind another plane on the taxiway that had mechanical trouble), but was otherwise uneventful. When we landed at 10:10AM local time, passengers dutifully stayed in their seats so that a couple in the back could deplane quickly and have a hope of making it to their daughter's wedding at 11:00. Once I got through customs ("how long will you be staying?" being the sole question asked, almost as an afterthought) the luggage carousel discharged only a handful of bags before coming to a dead stop for a ... read more

North America » Canada » Quebec » Montréal June 13th 2014

And so another trip begins. It took not much time at all to cram bikes and gear into the car (well, at least to cram my stuff - the heavy lifting had already been done by the time Linda and Dave arrived at my place). Mind you, we did have to stop just outside Ottawa to secure the bike rack itself, which seemed in danger of falling off the car and taking my bike with it. Unlike last year where we encountered heavy rain just outside Montreal, this time it poured all the way from Ottawa. OTOH whereas in 2013 we hit lots of traffic and lineups at the airport, this time there were no crowds and check-in was quite relaxed ... read more

Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Nice June 27th 2013

The day did not start well, as our hotel proprietor - who had cheerily encouraged pre-paying for both rooms and breakfast yesterday afternoon - proved both grouchy and stingy in providing anything approaching sustenance for today's relatively brief journey; he positively bristled when we deigned to ask for refills on orange juice (this was the first non-buffet breakfast we encountered), and rebuked an inquiry about the availability of cheese by retorting 'there is no cheese - this is a Frenchbreakfast!' Definitely not worth the 7 euros he had extorted. But this was our final riding day and we were not to be swayed from enjoying ourselves. There were several options for getting to Ni... read more
heaven's gate?

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