smatlanek's Guestbook

6th April 2023

Thanks for keeping in touch
16th October 2017

sounds like you are having a wonderful trip - makes me feel like I am beside you...enjoy and be safe
21st October 2017

/...thanks Karen... sorry I do not respond to your facebook entries... I do not do facebook anymore ...just the messenger part. Hope you are busy and that you will have great success at thenext craft show
10th October 2017

Highlights; pottery and a brewery ?, Hairy legs, tanksbetogot LOL,and the bus driver .
10th October 2017

Watch in the next blog for a picture of a salt pig ... I leave you in suspense. Happy you are enjoying the blogs...tansbetogot I am in a nice room for the next 3 days... pissing rain outside ... will start today's blog ;-) ;-) ;-)
9th October 2017

Beautiful Barbara
Happy Thanksgiving my dear friend - I thanks we met one maravilloso day in Ottawa. Kisses and hugs, enjoy this dream, be safe. Love. Eugenia
10th October 2017

Greetings my lovely Eugenia... I think of you often ... feel bad that I do not write you more often. I hope you will keep enjoying my blogs... tell me how you are and how your work is coming along ... continue to look for a house as creative and beautiful as yours...Hugs and kisses... Barbara ;-)
9th October 2017

Thanks for the great pictures and for the opportunity to share your trip in this way. Barb E.
5th October 2017

Rough go!
Glad you had your wellies! Did you see any sharny dubs??? Roughly translated means dirty cow butts!LOL
6th October 2017

enough cow butts to last a lifetime... am even considering giving up hamburgers...never need to see another bovine face!!! either.
4th October 2017

Dear Barbara, I didn't mean to be funny. I actually thought that white acorns existed on oak trees! DAH! Muchos abrazos, Barb E.
3rd October 2017

Hi Barbara, thanks again for the very interesting and informative blog. I never heard of white acorns before this. Your energy and determination to keep on walking are astounding. Hopefully, the cough medicine helped. Muchos abrazos, Barb E.
4th October 2017

you're funny ... the white acorns are the trail markers
2nd October 2017

Your Mail
Hi Barbara ... hope you are having time of your life. I am receiving packages for you and from you lol ... Running out of room in my office. Can you sister pick this up and put into your apartment? or take with her? Let me know an option for all this stuff. Thanks.
28th September 2017

Hi again, I just googled Jacob sheep and found out that they are bred in Canada as well. The closes place to us is Carleton, Ontario. There is also a link to a wool shop. Here's the link:
28th September 2017

at least in the fifties the women put a kerchief on their head over the curlers.... but the girls I saw on the street ...three of them at the railroad station just had the cu ...big fat curlers on their heads and then tights...which are not pants!
28th September 2017

Than you Thank you Thankyou... will get ontothat ...want to spin the woolso that the black and white happen randomly... am thim=nking this woudl be a good looking project
28th September 2017

Dear Barbara, thank you again for a very interesting blog. As usual the pictures are amazing. I'm happy to here that you have recuperated from your bout of the runs. They say rice is good option. I'm surprised that you could eat the pickles on your plate without further consequences. I find that the acidity just aggravates the condition more. I will be googling "Jacob sheep". That is fascinating. Hopefully, you could get your hands on some fleece in the USA to make that sweater. Take care. Muchos abrazos. Barb E
28th September 2017

its hard to find rice .. unless you sit down in a restaurant and order a whole meal ... when I travel I tend to eat food from the grocery store.... who knows what will come on your plate and then there is the higher cost... thanks for thinking for me ..
28th September 2017

that is such an amazing photo. I wish I could share it. I wonder how many women; 1, could carry it off so well, 2, can really be sucked in by images from the media to 3, spend all that time and energy on such artifice ...?
27th September 2017

Violets tea shop. Love it. Let's hope you will empty yourself out and be fine for the rest of the trip ? Interesting market Beautiful bridges Cat shop..... very interesting
27th September 2017

Hi Barbara, I'm very happy to here that your spirits have lightened. I look forward to seeing you in November. Muchos abrazos. Barb E.
25th September 2017

Dear Barbara, thank you for the updates and for the beautiful pictures. I'm glad you're enjoying your excursions despite the condition of your hotel room. Take care.
27th September 2017

oops... hotels i.e. B&B's are so heavenly complaints ... and my spirits have lightened.
27th September 2017

...and thank you for taking the time to sent a message... it gets lonely out here. I'll be back in Nov ....maybe we can go to the cinema for live ballet or opera. On Nov 18 I will be going to the production of George and the dragon from the national not know if it will be shown in Sudbury ... but Silver City events is definitely a site to watch.

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