samantha14's Guestbook

20th July 2009

I was wondering where you got to
Sorry to hear about your extra trip Susan! Is one trip at a time not enough? Enjoy what's left, if you can. Adele x
20th July 2009

bear hugs anyone?
Hi y'all We are so pleased that you are having a good time, give or take a few torn ligaments along the way....... SUSAN WHAT ARE YOU LIKE????? We finally got broadband up and running, give or take a few dodgy wireless connections along the have finally been able to catch up with what you have been up to in earnest. I'm dead jealous that you have seen Bears and Mooses (one moose; several muce? Meece? Mooses does not sound right. Please write in with suggestions), and glaciers and cars that have muscles (oooh doctor!). Was it really the night rider 'Kit' car or a sub-standard-metallic-look-a-like? Anyway news about us: We're, um, in Edinburgh, having moved into our new flat yippee. This did not go without its hitches but we're glad to have finally got settled. Its still wierd, having all these creature comforts, having been without them for 8 months. We have not seen much of Rosa and Zora, who retreat to the vast spaces that count as their bedrooms and do 'stuff' like painting and modelling (no not that kind of modelling Dean). Why? Because they can!! Em still has not got a start date for her job but is expecting one imminently. I'm still looking, having had 2 job interviews and been turned down for both, boo hiss. Just had another interview this morning and one more booked for next week. I am most certainly giving my old suit a run for its money, although I wish it could speak up more and fidget less when asked all those questions about social work. Zora now has a place in James Gillespies High School next year. Hooray! Rosa does not have a place anywhere. Boo. Still waiting to hear though. Fingers crossed, or else its a trip to see Mr Nigel Griffith MP. To say Oy! Griffiths! etc. We are off down to Macclesfield for the weekend to see Emma's sister Kate, with white van and return with more of our stuff. Keep on truckin' dudes lots of love Colin
19th July 2009

Hii hope use are well ! trust susan to get an injury!! bet use are missing the cats n dogs, the kittens are ...huge now! but ever so cute!! mum says hello and enjoy the rest of your holiday ! x
1st July 2009

Shame you can't bring back some Bow's on the plane. Me, Laura and your Dad took Skye and Lucy for a walk today. Skye is more powerful on the lead than she looks...
From Blog: fort edmonton
29th June 2009

We sold all your furniture and made a fortune
Are you sure you didn't need a licence to drive those things? Is there anything Dean does not win? Moving out tomorrow with 2 luton vans in tow. We cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for us and the letting us use your house has made life so much easier - but probably not for you when there were 9 bodies in the house and you're trying to pack for a holiday, among other things! So we won't have any internet access in our new flat for a few weeks - so don't think we're ignoring you. I had my interview today - which seemed to go well but I'll just have to wait and see. I was nervous as all hell this morning, but cool as a cucumber once questions were fired at me. We still found mouse droppings in our flat, despite the fact that they cleaned it again. So we're stamping our feet. Can't wait for you guys to come and stay with us (hopefully by then there will be no more small furry creatures). Hope you have a fabulous time in Canada. xxxx Colin PS I tried to break your other scarry wine glass but it simply won't smash. There must be a fault in it. Do you still have the receipt? (seriously though, we'll get some more from AEKI for you)
From Blog: go karts
28th June 2009

Glad you did not take mine.

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