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Africa » Madagascar » Nosy Be December 7th 2001

December 2001 Picture in your mind clear turquoise seas gently lapping over secluded white beaches, palm trees swaying in the light breeze, a yacht moored in the bay. Hot days and balmy nights, swimming, diving, fishing, snorkelling, or just strolling on the beach. Sounds like bliss, doesn't it? Of course it is, but this time I am not going to bore you with an account of how wonderful it is - ok, you’ve got me, of course I am, but at the same time I am going to tell you of about a few things that could have made this trip a disaster if we weren’t able to get things sorted and under control. We decided to do another trip to Madagascar, this time in December 2001. It made such an impact on us the first ... read more
Lemur Park
Lemur Park

Africa » Comoros » Grande Comore July 1st 1999

June/July 1999 Back to Grande Comore Once again it was a sad goodbye to our friends. Living in such close proximity, even though they gave us our own 'space' so to speak, we still spent a lot of time together, chatting and getting to know each other even more. On a boat there is not much space to go to be by yourself if you wanted to get away from anyone, but we all seemed to get along well and it was great bonding time for us and our sons. Our taxi stopped at the airport, but it didn't look much like an airport with no planes in sight and the building a bit run down. No neon lights guiding you to the right desk. We walked in not sure where to go, but soon we ... read more
Our Plane!
Fomboni airport

Africa » Comoros June 23rd 1999

June/July 1999 Bonjour Madame…welcome to our island! Moheli was a sight for sore eyes after my unpleasant experience of seasickness and nearly losing my husband. We were approaching calmer waters, far better for my constitution. Having sailed from Grand Comore throughout the night, as dawn broke we decided to trawl for some fish before we got close to the island, for our dinner that night. Shortly after that we heard the familiar zing and Jacques was the lucky one to catch a Wahoo of generous proportions. Not bad for a morning’s work! We anchored at Sambadjou beach near Miremani and it felt like there was a welcoming committee waiting for us. We were soon approached by the ‘Gendarme’, wanting to see our passports and giving us instructions where we had to have them stamped – right ... read more
Sambadjou beach

Africa » Comoros » Grande Comore June 20th 1999

June/July 1999 Grande Comore Arrival. Our flight arrived fairly late at night, on the main island, Grande Comore. It was great to see three familiar smiling faces greeting us at the airport: Willem, Elize & Lomé. We all took a taxi to the harbour at Moroni, where Bossi was moored. No sight of her, only other larger boats. Eventually we spotted her attached to another boat next to the quay, dwarfed by comparison by the larger boats. Our trusty familiar home for the next 10 days. To get to her we had to negotiate our way over rails and obstacles of the larger boat in the dark of night, with very limited lighting. Luckily none of us landed in the harbour water, filled with diesel and other unexpected particles. Because it was quite late already, we ... read more

Africa » Comoros June 18th 1999

June/July 1999 It was the following year after our trip to Madagascar. What we needed was another family holiday. By now the travel bug was nibbling away steadily at all of us. Where would we go? We just didn't seem to have the energy to do a usual trip through a foreign country, using bus, car or train, traipsing around sightseeing. At a destination with a beach of course! Does there seems to be a pattern here? Where to go? Paul was keen to do the exact same trip to Madagascar and contacted Willem & Elize to quote us for another trip on Bossi, sailing around some of Madagascar again. But friends of ours had gone to Comoros earlier in the year and thoroughly enjoyed themselves,. They had spent a week at the Le Galawa hotel ... read more
Grand Comore
1st injury

Africa » Madagascar June 30th 1998

1998 Sightseeing around Nosy Bé. Our hotel room was right on the beach of Ambatoloaka. This was where Bossi was moored and where we first went on board. The room and bathroom was very basic with only a cold water shower, which wasn't too bad, considering it was quite hot. They both needed a lick of paint and some maintenance, but we would survive, as it was only for one night. There was no seat on the toilet either! But the beach made up for it. Time to explore Nosy Bé. We negotiated with a taxi driver to drive us around the island. First we went to the ylang ylang factory where they make perfume essence. When driving around the island we noticed the ylang ylang trees that are bent and pruned for easy access to ... read more
Nosy Be
Nosy Be
Nosy Be

Africa » Madagascar » Nosy Be June 28th 1998

1998 Nosy Komba Having spent ten days on board Bossi, with most of our decisions being made for us it was a bit of a jolt to now do our own thing where very little English is spoken. It was like having our safety net pulled out from under us. Komba didn't quite have the pristine beaches we frequented the last ten days. No problem, because we would be experiencing a different side of Madagascar. We first needed to find a place to stay overnight so that we could put down our heavy bags and found a little place consisting of reed huts. Pretty although very basic inside, but came with mosquito nets which were essential. It was going to be strange for us to be sleeping on land again, as we all still felt as ... read more
Nosy Komba
Nosy Komba
Nosy Komba

Africa » Madagascar » Nosy Be June 25th 1998

1998 After sailing south, we headed back to Nosy Bé. We needed to stock up on fresh supplies, water and drinks at the market in Hellville. It was not the biggest of markets, but we watched Elize do the shopping for us. Lovely pawpaw’s, pineapples, bananas and some oranges amongst the fresh fruit and vegetables. A limited variety compared to what we are used to, but still plenty to choose from and the flavour was excellent. The meat section was a bit different and not so appealing to a sensitive stomach. There were also interesting piles of dried prawns and plenty of spices. We went to a local restaurant for some spaghetti bolognaise, then headed back to the yacht. After all our supplies were brought on board, we set sail going north of Nosy Bé. We ... read more

Africa » Madagascar » Nosy Be June 24th 1998

1998 First day on board Bossi and we left our overnight mooring spot heading south of Nosy Bé. Our holiday had started and as the boat moved, exhaustion took over from excitement and lack of sleep. Jacques and Philip took a catnap. That didn't last long though, because while we were moving we put fishing lures in the water and started trawling, We decided to take turns to catch fish and Jacques was first, seeing that he is the most ardent fisherman in the family. The first wzzz was heard as something took the line and Jacques jumped up, grabbed the rod and started reeling the fish in - quite exhausting as it took a while with the fish putting up quite a fight, but once it was reeled in, someone had a very wide and ... read more
Sugar loaf

Africa » Madagascar » Nosy Be June 21st 1998

1998 Finally our trip to Madagascar had started. We flew from Johannesburg to Antananarivo. Flying over Madagascar, we were disappointed to see how barren some areas were. This was of course due to the slash and burn technique used to destroy some of the rain forests for farming. Just before landing at Antananarivo we noticed some rice paddies just outside the city. When we arrived at Antananarivo we had limited time before our next flight to Nosy Bé. Paul needed to change some money, so he went off to a 'bank' which was really just a kiosk. He told the boys and I to wait with our bags but not long after, what looked like a porter approached us wanting our passports. One is always warned not to trust anyone with your passport, but he was ... read more
Nosy Tanikely
Nosy Be

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