lexispence10's Guestbook

3rd June 2013

Um...yeah...Jealous doesn't start to describe it...
I avoided saying how jealous I was till this one, WOW! What an amazing trip! When I grow up, I want to be like Bot! :)
2nd June 2013
Hole in the floor

Cute toes :)
At least the toilet looks clean...
2nd June 2013
Hole in the floor

Monitoring the splash was interesting.... But yeah, fairly clean. Plus they had a faucet with a bucket sitting there. Just in case. *My toes are a result of my pedicure in Dubai last week. :)
20th May 2013

That's a lot of firsts! Glad you survived, glad you learned a lot, and glad you're 'home' safely!! :)
From Blog: Off the Rock
18th May 2013

That's a lot of firsts for you
Hello Pookie Thanks for the blog post. Although I'm sure it was difficult on the platform at times, it sounds like you learned a lot and I bet you will be able to apply what you learned later in your career. The Ventucky crowd is very proud of our little Pokerbot. Cheers, Romsa
From Blog: Off the Rock
11th May 2013
Fixing the rig

Hang in there
It's crazy ur still there and even crazier the u had a visitor too! How long did that bird stay? What an attension horror! Seriously, that bird got around!!!! No tears!!!! U can do it!!!!! Hold onto Istanbul! Jealous of that trip, btw!!! Luv luv!!!
11th May 2013

Well, at least it's an adventure...even if not one of your choosing, you're getting good stories and experience out of it! :) And as a bonus, you're entertaining all of us! :)
10th May 2013

Sending positive thoughts your way
I hope everything is going well for you. I love the pictures.
25th April 2013

What to do and where to go in Doha
Whether you are in Doha for a visit or an expat, visit us on : www.eventsdoha.com It includes everything from nightlife, activities, dinners, lunches, weekend brunches, Kids activities, outdoors, beaches and water sports. www.eventsdoha.com
From Blog: Western Qatar
17th April 2013

That is nuts!
Alexis i don't think I could drive there-I would explode with anger and frsutration! Let me know how the platform work is......stay cool!
16th April 2013

Have you been to Sumatra? Sumatra has the worst traffic I have seen in any of the 40 something countries I have been to. I like the idea of the food in Doha, at least from what you describe. I haven't been there yet, except for some stop overs at the airport on my way to Thailand. Must read more blogs about Doha and decide where it should be on my growing list of places to hopefully manage to get to in this lifetime. Though, maybe I should put the bad traffic ones at the bottom of the list, so I don't shorten my lifetime before making significant progress with getting to the places on my list. :)
16th April 2013

Traffic and Doha
Yes, I keep hearing about how much worse traffic is in other places, specifically India, Turkey, Lebanon etc. What I really don't like here is the attitude. It's not just about traffic, crazy streets and little traffic structure - it's this mentality of "I am willing to kill you just so I can get to the mall a minute earlier" that is upsetting. As for visiting, right now there is very little to see, but in the next few years, there should be a lot more to make a full visit somewhat worthwhile. The population has grown so fast here that accommodations are short; hotel prices are VERY expensive. So, I'd recommend doing a long layover at the airport and take a few hours to visit either the Museum of Islamic Art or the Souq Waqif where they have ethnic restaurants from all over the middle east - these are pretty much the only tourist destinations at the moment. And they are worth it!
14th April 2013

Great photos!
Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos, buttercup. It sounds like driving is always an adventure there. It seems like it would be fair to say if you can drive there, you can drive anywhere. I really appreciate the update. We miss you, pookie.
12th April 2013

Great pictures, Alexis! Sad I missed you when you were in CA. Come visit us in Hawaii soon. Oahu could use a visit from the Bot! :) XOXO, Sujin
12th April 2013

Good rant! It's good to get it out. Just keep yourself safe and don't let those idiots kill you. Your food pix are great, not that I could eat any of them....but at least your getting out and trying stuff! Sounds exciting!! :)
11th April 2013

It takes a lot for me to lose my cool but being in crazy traffic like you described would have me in tears without a doubt.
12th April 2013

Daily routine
Yes! The crazy thing is this is a daily occurrence, it just got me yesterday for some reason. Every now and then it happens - it just still shocks me that people behave like this. Plus, almost getting killed probably had something to do with my tears... :)
30th March 2013

I refuse to believe that you won't be back! You will, someday! :) Hehe! It was great having you around, I'm glad there were no casualties this pub crawl, everyone was OK when we got back so YAY! :) Keep the posts coming, I can't wait to hear what shinanagins you can get into out there! :)
9th March 2013

The food looks great
To heck with the diet.
24th March 2013

You only live once right? :)
4th March 2013

Great photos
Hello Pookie I absolutely love the photos. Thanks for sharing them. I can't wait to see you on Friday. It will be great to catch up. Travel safely, buttercup. Cheers, Romsa
16th February 2013

Once again, awesome pictures
Hello Pookie Those are great photos. I'm quite jealous of your roadtrip. Do the goats ever run across the roads?
From Blog: Western Qatar
16th February 2013

Desert Safari
The contents of this blogs are just awesome. Nice collection of pictures... along with this i do recommend you Desert Safari
15th February 2013

From Blog: Western Qatar
15th February 2013

That's a good point Steve. It is just hard to adjust to. And yes, I think Istanbul and Muscat are my next two weekend trips when I get back from the US.

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