Kadie Goodin


Kadie Goodin

Europe » Spain June 14th 2019

Phones Another layer to the technology use that I mentioned before is the way it excludes people. Last night at dinner, every person at the table was on their phones except for me. It made me upset because we only have a few days left with each other and I wanted to interact with my new friends more. The other table was chatting with each other and I was jealous that my group was on their phones. I became frustrated and joined the other table to talk until the food came. Culture Smart talks about how Spaniards have “a zest for life...living for every moment” and I wish our group was the same way (Meaney & Viguer, 2016). English Being in a city that speaks more English than the other places we have been both relieves ... read more

Europe » Spain June 12th 2019

Music Throughout all three cities, I have seen musicians playing in the street. As a musician myself, it brings me joy to see these people using their talents to add to the beauty of these cities. Music is how I best process and feel emotions, and music is a wonderful way to bring people of all nationalities together. Seeing these musicians gives me a sense of belonging. Livermore (2009) talks about using nonverbal actions as a way to communicate, and I feel music is an emotion-driving force to connect with others, no matter the background. Whoops... Being in a more tourist area has affected how well I speak Spanish. At the end of the week in Granada, I had become more comfortable and confident in my Spanish speaking skills. However, most people in Madrid speak at ... read more

Europe » Spain June 10th 2019

Tired... Our first two days in Madrid have been very overwhelming for me. Not only am I tired from traveling for two weeks, but the business of the city drains me quickly. I find myself getting tired and irritable quickly. I am trying to find the best ways for me to recharge so that I can still enjoy the trip and not make everyone else’s trip miserable because of my attitude. My knowledge of CQ Drive tells me I should count the perks and work for something bigger (Livermore, 2009). Thinking about where I am and who I am with inspires me to love those around me and make the best of the trip. Flirting Leaving our host family and entering a more tourist area, I find myself not using Spanish as much and not interacting ... read more

Europe » Spain June 6th 2019

More Graffiti When in Barcelona, I noticed that the graffiti in the city was very much like American graffiti. However, the graffiti in Granada is more art than vandalism. While there are parts of the city that has vandalism-like graffiti, I have seen many more instances of graffiti that paints a scene or is more defined art rather than just letters. While I was a little upset with the graffiti in Barcelona, I find myself torn about the graffiti in Granada. One on hand, it is still vandalism and that makes me angry. But on the other hand, it is art. It is beautiful and I love seeing art by local artist. Comfort Level It has been difficult interacting with my host family and the Spaniards around the city because of the language barrier. However, the ... read more

Europe » Spain June 5th 2019

Apartments When we were still in Barcelona, I was really excited to come to Granada and see what the homes in Spain looked like. From the outside, the apartment did not look superb, and I was a little apprehensive. However, the inside of the apartment was beautiful. Culture Smart even mentions that while many city apartments appear neglected, the insides are beautiful (Meaney & Viguer). I found myself confused by some of the rules in the house, such as always wearing socks or shoes, but I am also fascinated. Our host mom always organizes our things while we are out and it makes me a little uncomfortable that someone is touching my things, but I think it is sweet that she is trying to make our stay the best she can. Lost... One evening, Sarah and ... read more

Europe » Spain June 1st 2019

Roundabouts One thing I found interesting is the amount of roundabouts in Spain. We drove through multiple on our way to Tarragona. While I drive through three roundabouts on my way to work at home, I found myself dizzy and nauseous on our drive to Tarragona. I was anxious to get off the bus, and I found myself frustrated when we had an extra 30 minutes because our bus driver got us lost. I did not want to complain, so I tried my best to be a good sport and change my attitude. One thing I do appreciate about them is the beautiful landscape on the inside of many of them. Host Family Meeting our host family today was simultaneously exciting and terrifying. Silvia and Augustine do not know any English, so all of our interactions ... read more

Europe » Spain May 31st 2019

Lost in Barcelona For our free day, we took a bike tour of Barcelona. It was incredibly beautiful and I was in awe of the sights. At first, I was nervous because I haven’t ridden a bike in years, and it was too big. However, after I got the hang of it, I felt more comfortable and loved being able to experience the culture in that way. Culture Smart warns about being careful in the pedestrian cross-walks, and I definitely saw why today. A few of us were almost hit a few times, and we were honked at many times, which made me uneasy. Lexie and I also got lost at one point, and anticipation built the longer we waited. I was relieved when the tour guide came back to find us. Language Our tour guide ... read more

Europe May 29th 2019

Details One thing I’ve noticed that I appreciate about Spanish culture is the attention to detail. Not only are the tourist attractions beautifully detailed, but all the buildings and structures around the city have beautiful details that I do not see in America. For example, the lampposts along the street of Barcelona have crowns and a beautiful design. When I saw it for the first time, I was in awe. It made me feel as if the builders wanted the people to have something beautiful in their everyday lives, and I felt honored that someone put in all that work for our benefit. Confidence Cultural Intelligence talked about examining your confidence level to develop CQ Drive, and I found that I need to reevaluate. I thought I had more confidence in my Spanish speaking skills than ... read more

Europe » Spain May 27th 2019

Food Experience One thing I’ve noticed about Spain is the popularity of fresh fruit. With each meal at the seminary, fruit is provided as an option. Additionally, many of the vendors at the Barcelona market were selling fresh fruit. However, since I am allergic to most fruits, it has been disappointing for me. The fruit looks very appetizing, and I would love to try it. Instead, I have been trying to focus on the amazing food I have been able to experience. I never had paella until the first night here, and I really enjoyed it. I’m excited about the opportunity to try new food to replace my disappointment about fruit. Communication In Barcelona, a local man accidentally splashed water on me. He started to talk to me in Catalan, and I assumed it was an ... read more

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