Alex Kearns


Alex Kearns

Africa » Botswana November 23rd 2009

I haven't written for so long! Somehow each day when I reflect back on my time here it doesn't seem like much has happened but now that I look back I have so much to share! The Swedes: Last week a few of my friends on the program and I were invited to a party by these random Swedish people through a mutual friend. We ended up walking to the party in the dark while buckets of rain poured on us from above. When we arrived we were let in through a huge iron gate and led into a beautiful mansion (well, by Botswana standards). We looked like we had just emerged from a swimming pool and we felt bad for dripping all over their floor. We walked into the dining room were we were given ... read more

Africa » Botswana October 24th 2009

After Diamonds, and maybe Tourism, Beef is one of Botswana's largest industries. Since I have been here I have consumed more beef than I care to mention and have seen cows roaming in fields, across highways, and through neighborhood streets. That was why it was so exciting to see the middle of the beef industry, where live animals turn into the meat I eat everyday. (If you are sensitive to gory descriptions in any way you probably should skip this post) Last week the study abroad program took my group to a slaughterhouse/ butchery. When we entered we got dressed in white pants, white lab coats, hair nets, helmets, and huge white rubber boots. When we had finished that long process we scrubbed our boots and hands and entered the factory. The first thing I saw ... read more

Africa » Botswana October 17th 2009

Since my epic adventure up north I have been relaxing in Gabs and attending lectures from visiting UB professors. I am staying with a small family in the Phase 4 District and feel very comfortable at home. My family consists of my mom, my 18 year old sister, my 3 year old brother, and my housekeeper from Zimbabwe who we call Aunty. The first night I arrived in Gabs my host mom took me to one of her work parties at this cool little rundown place by the Gaborone Dam. She introduced me to all of her work friends and we helped set up lights and the DJ stand while the guys barbecued meat on the grill. Then we had an awesome dance party with drinks and a potluck. It was a great way to start ... read more

Africa » Botswana October 13th 2009

Last week was one of the most amazing of my life. It started Sunday morning at 3 am, when I piled into a tour van and rocketed up north to Kasane. The drive was supposed to take 12 hours but our driver drove at a 100 mph so we reached our destination in record time. When we arrived we met up with our tour guide Ike and he quickly got us settled in at our campsite. Our campsite was owned and operated by Chobe Safari Lodge which meant that it was not “real”camping but luxurious, pampered camping. After settling in we walked up to the main lodge, which looked rather unimpressive from the front. We circled around the back and our jaws dropped. We entered on a wooden bridge under a canopy of vines. When we ... read more

Africa » Botswana October 3rd 2009

We have been having some epic thunder storms here in Botswana and one night the electricity in my house when out. On a normal night my family would gather around the TV to watch horrible African soap operas while I retreat to my room to dive into Tolstoy and recoup for the next day. On this night however the house was darkened by the storm and I quickly searched my room for the little flashlight my dad Roger had given me for the trip (thanks Roger!). I opened the door to my room and stepped into the living room where my family was still sitting on the couches in the pitch black, as if nothing had happened, as if the TV was still on. I turned on my flashlight and declared "I have light! Does anybody ... read more

Africa » Botswana September 27th 2009

This weekend was fabulous! After the past 2 weeks working in my frustrating NGO I decided I needed to have some fun. Throughout the trip I have been meeting various Peace Corps members and last week one of them invited my friends and I to a birthday party in Gaborone. We decided to take him up on the offer and we asked our host families for permission to stay in Gabs overnight. Yesterday was a long day.... The day began at 7:00 when my friend Bryce and I took off on a long walk around Molepolole. We curved around the town to the edge of the aloe fields (which look pretty awesome) and finished our hour trek back in town. After returning home I packed up my things and Bryce, Harry, Rachel, and I left for ... read more

Africa » Botswana September 25th 2009

So it has been a frustrating week. My last entry came after 3 days of working with orphans in the preschool center, which was a complete blast, and I was optimistic about the potentials of the orphan care center. This week, however, I became depressed with the reality of time management skills in Botswana. The place I work makes absolutely no sense. Half of the staff sits around doing nothing, while the other half spend time splitting into groups to plan events that don't end up taking place. On Monday we moved the supplies from the old classroom to the new classroom in preparation for the event on Thursday. The kids helped, but that was the most I saw of them that day (no serious interaction or teaching taking place). Tuesday the kids didn't come and ... read more

Africa » Botswana September 19th 2009

WHOO HOO! I am in Molepolole! Every day I go to work at Bana Ba Keletso Orphanage Center where I teach 20 preschool orphans. I have fallen in love with all of them (which is sort of a problem) but especially Dithapelo, a young boy who is the smartest in the class. Next week we are holding a party to celebrate the opening of a new building. The US Ambassador and many other officials will be there so everyone is getting really excited. The small staff is running around planning and inviting people, which means I run an entire preschool classroom on my own! I am having a complete blast with it. I taught the kids "Itsy Bitsy Spider" along with my co-worker Rachel, and it is the most adorable thing to listen to. They can't ... read more

Africa » Botswana September 9th 2009

WOO HOO! So I just finished my village stay and will be living in Gaborone for 4 days until I leave for a town called Molepolole. The village stay was AWESOME. After I got over the LOOOOONG 4 hour Setswana lessons everyday I started to enjoy myself even more. The second week in the village I went to a wedding, and as visitors to the village we got to sit under the family awning and were served food first. We felt really spoiled and kind of odd sitting there on display but the whole thing was fun. The next weekend I attended a funeral which was kind of depressing. Four people had died in that week alone but I only attended the funeral of a 35 year old woman. The songs were beautiful and after the ... read more

Africa August 28th 2009

Hello All! Sorry I haven't been able to update this as often as I hoped. I have been in the remote village of Manyana for about 3 weeks and haven't been able to get to a computer. I hope everyone is doing well! A little bit about where I am staying: I am living in Manyana, a village of about 4k people. I live in a house with my host dad, mom, and 3 siblings. I have my own room, which is GREAT! I was told before I got to Botswana I would have trouble with my family respecting my privacy but that hasn't been an issue at all. Everyone in my family is super sweet and they take care of me as if I were one of their own. We have electricity, which was very ... read more

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