jboydca's Guestbook

26th October 2010

Great Trip
Hi, I just wanted to say that I think you've had some fantastic experiences and insights into Hong Kong and I wanted to ask if maybe you could share some locations on Mapped Travel Hong Kong. That would make it easier to find them for other interested travellers - including myself. Keep on travelling, Ralph
From Blog: Hong Kong
31st July 2010

Phone call
It was good to talk to you last night, Jackson. Thanks for calling. I think that a McDonald's Big Mac sounds better to me than noodles. You will have to discuss Japan with Diane when. You get home. Have fun in Japan and keep us on your blog. Love you, Grandpa Bill.
From Blog: Kuala Lumpur
31st July 2010

What an adventure you have had! We have enjoyed all of your experiences: reading while we sit in our comfy study. Probably the closest we will come to SE Asia. We are anxious to hear about Japan and will rejoice when you are back in good old USA. Your call last nite was such a wonderful surprise. Hearing your voice was even better than the blogs. Love, Gige
From Blog: Kuala Lumpur
28th July 2010

I am glad you are having so many varied experiences, keeping a journal will help you remember each one. We look forward to each blog entry. Enjoy your last few days and the stop in Japan. Travel safe, Love, Gige
From Blog: Laos
28th July 2010

hi jackson!
Jackson - I love reading your blog. It's so much fun to be living vicariously through your trip! Keep up the great adventures!!! love, Aunt Sarah
From Blog: Laos
23rd July 2010

Hi Jackson, Who were the guys from Irvine that you met?
23rd July 2010

Wow, can't believe you go all the way to Southeast Asia and you still can't leave behind the Sierra Kids. That's hysterical. When are you coming back to the US? I have so much to talk to you about, and I want you to check out my new house! I hope your travelling has made a lifelong impact. I know that I want to do the same trip as you, and maybe you can join me when I go to Thailand in the near future (next summer?). I miss you buddy, and I can't wait til we can chill up in SLO or SF or Irvine, or wherever the hell we need to do this. Hit me up asap, via email, fb, or this, cause I want to talk to you. Take care good friend, and safe travels. God speed. Jake
23rd July 2010

Hang in there
We are up early to go to OKC airport and on to see Sarah and Ian for his sister's wedding. We love reading your blog even about the down side of your trip. Makes US air travel sound simple. I hope some day to read your journal and am so glad you found it. Love, Gige
22nd July 2010

Jackson, We look forward to your blogs and hearing of your adventures. Travel safe, Gige
From Blog: Sapa
14th July 2010

Hi Jackson
Dear Jackson Love you much, love hearing you on your Blogs! Be safe!!!! Make good and safe choices as to where you are going and visiting!Keepinf you in my prayers! Love you much, G'ma Susie xxxoooo
14th July 2010

Sounds like a jungle out there, bud. Maybe you'd like to elaborate more about your "incidents?" Email me. Stay safe!!!
13th July 2010

missed you
Jackson, We missed you at the July4th/birthday bash,but are glad you are liking VietNam. We love your blog and hearing about your adventures. Stay in touch and travel safe. Love, Gige
28th June 2010

Glad to hear you both having so much and learning so much about people and their nature at the same time. Keep rolling man!
28th June 2010

Wimbledon tennis going great!!!
"Hi" Jackson, Gige and I are really enjoying your travel blogs. Keep us up to date and travel safely!!! Your Mom, George and Allie arrive here Wednesday. Sarah and Ian come in Thursday and Tim's bunch arrives Friday. We are all going to Edmond Saturday to see the 4th of July parade and see Kelly and Geena march in the high school band. Then everyone back to Clinton Saturday night. Wish you were going to be here so we could play golf every day. Love you, Grandpa Bill and Gige.
18th June 2010

Lakers vs. Celtics
L.A. Lakers won the seventh and final game for the NBA championship by beating the Boston Celtics 83-79. Great game--the Celtics had a 13 point lead in the 3rd quarter, but the Lakers came back to win. Have a great trip and be careful. We have enjoyed all of your blogs and printed them off. Love you, G Pa Bill.
From Blog: Kanchanaburi
17th June 2010

Travel Blogs.
Jackson, Gigey and I are really enjoying reading your blogs. We know that you are having a wonderful time. Wish that you were going to be here for July 4th and we would play golf alot. I will watch the 7th and deciding game tonight for the N.B.A. championship between the Lakers and Boston Celtics. (At L.A.) Keep us informed on your travels. Have fun and be VERY CAREFUL!!! Love you, Grandpa Bill.
From Blog: Kanchanaburi
17th June 2010

What a great trip. I am so glad you are finding ways to get around and see such a variety of wonderful things. Logan Tisdal (next door) is coming home next week for a wedding in Mexico. He will be here for awhile, When you get to Viet Nam, I'll ask him if he has any tips for you and pass them on. We will check the class blog. Travel safe, Love, Gige and GpaBill
From Blog: Kanchanaburi
14th June 2010

nice report
hey jackson great blog looking foward to reading it i love flying cathay also it makes our airlines look horrible. Enjoy Thailand buddy.
From Blog: Hong Kong
13th June 2010

great adventure!
We enjoy hearing about your trip and following it on your itinerary and my SE Asia map. We are anxious to visit in person and hear stories of all your experiences. Gige and GpaBill
10th June 2010

Hi Jackson! Your mom sent me your blog information so I had to check it out... amazing! I enjoyed reading it but the photos were the highlight. Looking forward to reading more about your adventures. Maybe you can be our guest speaker next year at World Culture's Day :-)
From Blog: Hong Kong
31st May 2010

From Blog: Hong Kong
29th May 2010

I loved your photos and post from Hong Kong! I haven't been there yet but it looks incredible! My blog is looking for travel photos, reviews, etc, to share (like maybe where that cheap market is?!). If you have the time, check it out at dirty-hippies.blogspot.com, or email me at dirtyhippiesblog@gmail.com. Continued fun on your travels! Heather :)
From Blog: Hong Kong
29th May 2010

"Hi" Jackson, Gige and I are really enjoying reading your blogs. Glad that you are having such a great time!!! Can't wait to see you and hear all about your trip when you get home. Keep us up to date on your blogs. Love, GPa Bill and Gige.
29th May 2010

Great trip
I am so glad that your trip is off to a good start. We loved seeing you and your friends and the sights of Hong Kong. Much better than the snail mail audio cassettes your mother sent back from Semester at Sea to let us know where and how she was. Travel safe, Gige
From Blog: Hong Kong
29th May 2010

What a fun trip! Take lots of pics and keep us updated with the blog. Many thanks to Kamal and his family for making Hong Kong a wonderful experience.
From Blog: Hong Kong

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