edgesoftheworld's Guestbook

5th November 2010
Bow Summit and Peyto Lake

absolutely incredible!!!
27th August 2010
Bow Summit and Peyto Lake

Beautiful ♥
26th February 2008

Welcome home!!!
Welcome home all of you. Hope you are settling back into the real world and hope school/work arent too traumatic. Good to have you home and happy Harold has joined you!!!!!
17th February 2008

Endless brilliant photos!
Really enjoyed seeing the Malaysia photos as as a kid I lived in Singapore and visited Malaysia alot.Kuala Lumpur looks a bit changed though!! Wow!! Spectacular!! Sabah looked really fun as well however I could only see photos of monkeys wildlife etc didnt you take any of yourselves!! See you soon. Oh by the way we are doing our bit of globetrotting albeit a little shorter than yours.............. we are in the carribean at the moment!!!Dominican Rep. I won the company xmas raffle prize at the Xmas dinner.........!! 8 days.................Cant complain!!!!!!!!! Have agood trip back all the best Paddy&Julia
15th February 2008

Welcome home
Thanks for all the blogs - we feel like we've been round the world with you!
12th February 2008

What fabulous pictures of the towers - that's what I call a room with a view! Enjoy your last few days in the Far East before returning to a bright, sunny, but cold UK!
11th February 2008

Wow - what views from your room! The pictures are stunning. What's KL like, as it is a place I've always wanted to visit. Looking forward to hearing all about it. I bet your hearts were hammering when the paperwork was mssing! Good job you had some eagle eyes and managed to find it. You look much older on the photo, Fiendish - I think you ave grown (so you'll now be at least a foot taller than me!!!). And Fab's hair is getting really long now. No more little bunches for you! You really suit your tan, Flirty, you look georgeous (Lush is really jealous because she doesn't tan at all!!!). What I want to know is where are all the pictures of Fatty and Freaky? We have all been out in the garden because the weather here has been bright and warm for a change (11 degrees in February....spring has arrived). Keep smiling, Loopy.
8th February 2008

More great entries and photos but I have to say the next ones in Borneo are the ones I have been really waiting to see. Make the last of your last few days - not long now then back to school!Ugh! Yuck! Love to you all and very belated birthday wishes to Charlotte Love from Judithxxxxx
8th February 2008

Sounds like you're all having such a fabulous time; it's really inspiring!! I'm actually distantly related to some orangutans on my father's side so please send them my love.
8th February 2008

Orang Utans
I thought that was a couple of Orang Utans in the photo above!
5th February 2008

Belated birthday greetings, Char
Dear Fabulous We thought of you on Sunday - it looks as though you had a fab birthday. Not long till you come back to the UK - you'll have so much to tell everyone at school! Love Sophie and Lucy xxxx
1st February 2008

Great place isn't it? We went there for 3 weeks in September 2003. Was the Aboriginal place called Tjapukai by any chance? Our girls loved the salt water pool at the end of the esplanade. Did you go on the cable car? Don't remember the name of the place but you catch a very rickety train up the hill and come back over the top of the rainforest. As I recall it was very high up with stops to walk around in the forest on wooden walkways.
From Blog: The Barrier Reef
28th January 2008

dear all!! photos look fabulous as usual. we love the enormous tree it makes even fatty look small!!! the mudpools looked blobby and smelly. only a couple of weeks untill you are back in the UK can't wait to see you love from Hannah, Lauren and Gill xxxxxxx
19th January 2008

Green with envy!
I love the sound of North Island and would give a lot to soak my feet in hot mud right now. It certainly beats the lashing rain on the window. Looking forward to the next instalment.
17th January 2008

Just figured out how to use this thing after two months of you being away. The photos and the diaries are excellent. It's a trip of a lifetime. Tom, I've got a question for you, maybe you could do some research into it. I was just curious as to how The Emerald Lakes, The Blue Lake and the Red Crater got their names. Any ideas? Lots of love to all of you and keep on having a whale of a time!!!
15th January 2008

Burning poo????
We're not that keen on the burning poo and maggots here, but thought it would be fascinating (but gross!). We really did like the sound of black water rafting (although Luvable wanted to know if the floats had brakes?) and the pic was fantastic. Glow worms, caves and volcanos all in the space of a few days - brilliant!! Looking forweard to the full Fab 5 slideshow when you get back. Keep smilin' Loopy, Lush and Luvable.
14th January 2008

You are not selling glowworms to me very well - they sound disgusting!! Glad to see you're all having a fab time still although I'd be looking for a bar rather than doing all that walking. Still grey and miserable here. :)
13th January 2008

Hats off to you
Looks like fun. Some of the pictures look amazing. I am now disapointed that we didn't go up a mountain when in NZ. Enjoy yourselves in NZ.
13th January 2008

That mountain/volcano looks soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard to climb, we have found all the places you have been to on google earth.That mountain/volcano looks like the moon because of all those craters!!
13th January 2008

What a trek!!
Hello Dave,Kath,Tom,Betham and Charlotte!!!!!!!! Really enjoyed the photos of your Tongariro Crossing!!! Would really love to walk this area so I shall pick your brains(that shouldn't take long!) when you come back. Keep the photos coming . Its Nick's 50th very soon so waiting to see what the plan is!! Anyway keep up the great blogs. all the best from all of us here in Llanera!!
5th January 2008

Foam baths
Nothing like a foamy bath I always say! Looks lovely. So do the kangaroo and the koala, so gorgeous. Happy New Year to everyone. Love G and Hxxxx
5th January 2008

The fun goes on! Shame about the weather - bound to improve when you return. Arent koalas just the cutest thing you've ever seen. We saw a wild one at Noosa - it made my day. Weather here has been freezing - some snow but not here and today is wet and windy (no change there then!). Looking forward to hearing about your trip to NZ. Judith (aunty, sister in law and sister)
3rd January 2008

Looks like you're having an amazing time doing totally brilliant stuff. I'm dead jealous :) Lovely to see your big Edgey adventure - it's really inspiring. Happy New Year! Jacqui :)
1st January 2008

happy new year
Have just caught up on all your blogging. sounds fun surfing, wish we were in the sun with you rather than the chill and drizzle. Happy new year to you all, look forward to reading more.Xxx
1st January 2008

Happy New Year
Wishing you all a great 2008 and more fantastic adventures from the grey UK - otherwise known as 'YUK'

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