First European Exploration!

a trip by Dave Curriston
From: July 6th 2013
Until: July 10th 2013

My girlfriend, Monica, and I are flying into Turkey to start an 81 day trip throughout Europe, exploring the continent for two months and the remainder in Spain. We are still in the planning stages, figuring out exactly where we want to go and what we want to see. I came across this website/online community in hopes of getting advice and also to share our story during and after the experience! This will be our first extended trip together, and we will be living out of backpacks, as we aren't staying in one place too long! We are going to spend the last month in Spain because I am a Spanish major, and looking to better my Spanish skills. We are both very new to this and looking for any advice on how to travel through Europe.
Trip Length: 4 days
Blog Entries: 0
Photos: 0
Words: 0
Tot: 0.175s; Tpl: 0.003s; cc: 2; qc: 25; dbt: 0.0222s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1022.3kb