bvchef's Guestbook

16th October 2011

Hi Brendan
Really enjoyed reading this blog. We are heading to Morocco on Friday. Can't wait to explore!
25th April 2011

Thanks Shannon. I appreciate that. Some days I do feel we can do anything we put our minds to. The hard part is getting out of our everyday mindset and realize that. It's not always easy. And yes, what a beautiful world it is. I can't wait to see more of it.
25th April 2011

Yeah, it was pretty darn awesome. I didn't realize it was going to be one on one, so was pleasantly surprised.
From Blog: Sublime Seville
25th April 2011

Looking at these makes me miss you. A lot.
25th April 2011

i was just wondering if you by chance were able to fit a ' La Boqueria' in your suitcase. You know, as my souvenir. :) Good lord!
25th April 2011

and ps- I can't believe that guy stole your card. I'm glad that you were able to brush it off though and enjoy the rest of your vacation.
25th April 2011

I love reading these. They are inspiring, and makes me think that we really can do anything that we put out minds too. Look at you B, you are out seeing the world! And by the looks of it, what a friggen beautiful world it is!
25th April 2011

these are some of my favorite pictures.
25th April 2011

I've always pictured camel rides out in the middle of nowhere, not on a public road. As for the belts... that's insane! And to think that there are actually a lot of people who do fall prey to that sort of thing and end up buying them!
25th April 2011

I would have never thought I would ever see the day when B. Vermillion let a monkey sit on his shoulder. Awesome!
From Blog: The Rock!
25th April 2011

one on one? how awesome was that?!
From Blog: Sublime Seville
17th April 2011

Thank you for that Janet. You made me laugh out loud here at work. Of course when one is as fair skinned as I am, that really should be my beach attire.
17th April 2011
Heading to the Beach

Doesn't look like you have on the proper attire for going to the beach. LOL
14th April 2011

Welcome to travelblog
Enjoying your blog-- please add some photos.
From Blog: Sublime Seville
14th April 2011

Very Cool!
Not only are you a great Chef, you write a mean documentary too. Very cool to read your blog and live vicariously through your travels!! See you on this side of the world soon. Cheers, Jason
From Blog: Sublime Seville
13th April 2011

Hope you have a nice flight home. Sure have enjoyed reading about your trip and look forward to more photos.
From Blog: Sublime Seville
12th April 2011

Thank you
Thank you for such such nice comments. I'm glad to have had friends and family with me onthis trip, as well as those who just stumbled onto my page.
From Blog: Sublime Seville
12th April 2011

What a great time I have had! This has been such a great trip to be along on, Brendan. Thank you so very much for sharing it. I am sending up prayers for safe travel home. My mouth is watering for your new gaspacho recipe. Yummy! Have a great trip home. Love, Connie
From Blog: Sublime Seville
12th April 2011

I can't believe it is over!!! I am glad you are coming home safe and sound and I can't wait until we get together so I can hear all about it!!!! Love you...
From Blog: Sublime Seville
12th April 2011

Hi B, Thanks for taking us along on vacation with you. Look forward to seeing the pictures when you get a chance to post them. Safe travels home, Ted
From Blog: Sublime Seville
11th April 2011

Thanks Sharon. I have to say that I don´t eat as much as Ted. The Altoids and Listerine strips were a lovely dinner. And you know, I never thought about those peanuts. Those Apes didn´t need them as much as I did. You are so right.
From Blog: 2.80 €
11th April 2011

I sure bet that you wished you had grabbed some of those peanuts for your self instead of letting the guy give them all to the Apes..... If you eat anything like Ted, I'm sure that your tummy was having a serious talk with you at times! Hope all goes well and you can continue to indulge in all of that wonderful food. I know that it all looks very delicious! Can't wait for the pics and to continue reading about your journey! Take care of you
From Blog: 2.80 €
11th April 2011

Well it sounds like you are making the best of what you have at this point in your trip..... I think it's a bit challanging at times when your plans have a little wrench put in them. Continue to have fun and enjoy. Can't wait to see the pictures once they post.
From Blog: The Rock!
11th April 2011

Thanks Ted. Luckily I was able to live off my body fat for a good 15 minutes. But seriously it all worked out and just makes me stronger. I will make sure to have back ups for the back ups next trip. And yes, I still love traveling and this trip. Was just a minor burp in the plans.
From Blog: 2.80 €
11th April 2011

Hi B, Sorry to hear about your being straped for cash. That has to be the worst feeling. Or at least not having enough money for food being the worst feeling. I was enjoying your trip to that point but now am glad to be home where I am well fed. Glad you where able to get some cash and get started on the pamper Brendan trip again. Hope everything goes well! Ted
From Blog: 2.80 €

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