Page 2 of adventures of a life enthusiast Travel Blog Posts

Europe » France June 27th 2009

The past couple days have been beyond amazing! I met a couple Aussie girls, Fiona and Georgia, in Nice and they are sooooo fun. We were all headed to Cinque Terre next so I joined there group. My Aussie name is Loz and I demand to be called that when I return! No exceptions! =) And all my friends should be happy to know that they are teaching me all the Aussie Lingo and how to do the accent! So get ready because I have added to my accent repotoire!! We day triped from Nice to Monaco and this amazing midevil fortress in Eze. The next day we went to Cannes and it was ammmmaaazzziiingggg!!! I miss you all but am having the time of my life. Next summer I am soooooooo gonna try and get ... read more
The french family I stayed with
Town Center

Europe » France June 24th 2009

I am in Nice. No time to write, having too much fun. I will fill you all in later. Kisses!... read more

Europe » Spain June 22nd 2009

I made it to Beziers, France and Mathias and his family are amazing; and Mathias is a french babe this is going to be a reqlly short messed up blog becquse this french keyboard has the letters in a different order, So more later, now just pictures... read more
street music everywhere

Europe » Spain June 22nd 2009

Today I am leaving Barcelona and I will miss it! But first, yesterday. So I went to the beach yestrday with a new friend, Vanessa, from Canada. We are so alike it was weird. We both have peace tattoos, traveling on our own, love dreads and are huge hippies. Omg, there are so so so many people with dreads here it is amazing. So the beach was amazing again! I loved Barcelona and everyone here that I met. Peace out friends from UCLA who know David Bress and my homies from England/Whales (heavilly debated on). And goodbye new friends from Canada, France, Brussels, Mexico, Australia and of course Ale, my personal translator and good friend! You all have an open invitation to my house in California if you are ever there, and I hope some of ... read more

Europe » Spain June 21st 2009

Another fabulous day and night in Barcelona. This city is amazing, I wish I lived here. Maybe someday and then I can really learn Spanish. Yesterday, Ale and I walked all around La Rambla and Barri Gothic. Everything is so much easier with a Spanish speaker! Everything is gorgeous, even the post office. After that a bunch of people from the Hostel all went out together. Our group represented 6 countries. The U.S., France, Canada, Argentina, England, and Mexico! Despite being from different places accross the globe we all have one thing in common, MUSIC! Especially bands like Oasis and at one point we busted out a rendition of "Wonderwall" and it was so fun! We went to a club called Razzmatazz that is in an old warehouse and seperated into 5 different "clubs" all with ... read more

Europe » Spain June 20th 2009

So Barcelona is nuts right now because of Sonar, which is like the biggest electronic music festival in the world. While I am not going to Sonar I am partaking in what they call "anti sonar" which are all the parties at clubs. El viernes en Barca es LOCO! I made some buddies to go out with, two Brits and this guy from Argentina, whom are all staying at my Hostel. Really, really nice guys. People dont go out here until like 1 AM. Dinner is at 11. So we went out, going to different bars, checking out what was going on on La Rambla and drinking "street beers". (Dont worry everyone I drank very little, no need to drink because I am drunk off of stoked-ness). So we went to this huge club in Port ... read more

Europe » Spain June 19th 2009

Europe » Spain June 19th 2009

Just spent the most amzing day at the beach in Barceloneta. I set off on foot sothat I could find something to eat on my way. Success on all counts! Found a yummy veggie restaurant on La Rambla, yum! La Rambla is a beautiful tree lined street that is the hub of all action in Barca (as everyone but the locals call it). Today walking down it toward the beach I sawe this really old dude strolling BUTT NAKED. Instead of clothes he had full on body tats, including a faux black speedo! He was really old but everyone was staring because he was endowed like a fricken porn star, like to his knees! It was a little too early in the morning to see that for me. Sorry ladies, no pics of him ;). So ... read more

Europe » Spain June 18th 2009

Alright alright! I made it! After a seriously long trip I got to my Hostel around 730, bARCELONA time. I am so exhausted that even my teeny top bunk be looks amazing! I met lots of cool people already in the airports and what not and I cant wait to meet more. So after I finally landed in Barcelona I took a train into the main part of town (Las Ramblas). From there I had to trek it with my monster backpack forever but luckily there were lots of interesting things on the way. Like street performers that put the ones in San Francisco to shame and such beautiful buildings. Like the most common apartment building is gorgeous. i love and miss you all. I feel all disoriented from exhaustion so I am sure this is ... read more

North America » United States » California » San Jose June 17th 2009

I leave in a couple hours for the airport!!! My first stop is Barcelona and I will arrive there around 11 AM tomorrow morning. I have along night of flying ahead but hopefully the on-board cocktails will help with that! I love you all and will see you July 21st for G-fest '09 baybay! I am going to try to update this as much as possible to keep everyone up-to-date with whats going on!... read more

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