adventures of a life enthusiast's Guestbook

20th July 2009

Come Home
You have been gone is time to come home to you family and the people that love you and miss you !!!!
14th July 2009

"A Burrito"
Wow, all those countries and all their exceptional foods and you want a burrito that cracks me up! Paris sounds wonderful and I am so glad you had such a amazing time. Ashley please thank your father for me for treating Lauren so wonderful... It gave me great Peace of Mind!! Lauren I love you GYRUSKISLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo
From Blog: Paris to Berlin
14th July 2009

Venice!!!! So flippin beautiful Lo!!! That is where I took the pic in front of the Gucci store for you when I was abroad. I am SO SO happy you are getting to experience this! Still the best thing I have EVER done!!!
14th July 2009

Did you buy yourself a new prada backpack from the Nigerian dudes ;) So happy you went to Vatican city, hopefully some of that holy water ended up on our bracelet :)
13th July 2009

Looking forward to hearing from you again and seeing your pictures......I am counting the days.......Love you and miss you so much...... Granndma
10th July 2009

Hey there Lauren How's the gelato?
10th July 2009

Waiting for more
Hola Lauren: Waiting for more pics. Where are you now? We are living this trip vicariously through you so keep em' coming. Vio con Dios, Love, Addie
From Blog: Barcelona Photos
9th July 2009

Oh !!!!!
It sounds so wonderful, I told you Rome was my favorite..... Enjoy and Be safe. LOve, Grandma
8th July 2009

i cant wait to learn the lingo love been readin your blogs sounds so amazing the sites i cannot believe how beautiful! miss you mucho..
From Blog: Vias and Nice
8th July 2009

Lauren this trip is all too wonderful......a dream of a life time and something you will never forget I agree Rome is wonderful, too wonderful !
8th July 2009

Hi Honey, We had a quite a scare! Glad you knew nothing about it but I am breathing deep again ! I love you and wish I could be like you. You are a inspiration to all ! I cant wait for more pictures have a blessed day in Rome. Ciao, Mama
6th July 2009

Oh Lo...your Italy pics are AMAZING!!! Looks like you are having the best time EVER!!! So happy for you! xoxox
6th July 2009

enjoy,enjoy wonerful Rome Ciao, Grandma
From Blog: ROMA
6th July 2009

Fun, fun Fun !
So happy for you !
6th July 2009

Do you know we are all enjoying your trip, your pictures are amazing.....Love you Grandma
6th July 2009

Lauren you are amazing !! Love you, Grandma
From Blog: Vias and Nice
6th July 2009

Ooh la, la
Oh Lauren, I miss you so much and love you so much but I am so happy ofr you and so happy that you are having such a great time and have met so many wonderful new people, isnt Venice wonderful ? God Bless, Grandma
6th July 2009

Hi Lauren Glad you are loving your trip. Going too fast????? I too enjoyed Rome and all the history it lends. Can you believe those structures were constructed BC and here if something is 100 years old we tear it down and build another....????Thanks for the detailed updates....wish I was there.. Ciao Addie
From Blog: ROMA
6th July 2009

Hi Lauren Glad you are loving your trip. Going too fast????? I too enjoyed Rome and all the history it lends. Can you believe those structures were constructed BC and here if something is 100 years old we tear it down and build another....????Thanks for the detailed updates....wish I was there.. Ciao Addie
From Blog: ROMA
5th July 2009

hey baby girl, I knew that you would have the most amazzing time. the pic. are absolutly amazzing. I love traveling thru spain with you and look forward to the rest of the trip. Your fan club is still cheering you on I hope you are getting enough rest!!!Ha Ha!!! Love you elaine
From Blog: Vias and Nice
4th July 2009

Bear misses LOZ
YAYAYAYAYYAYAYYAAYYAY !!!!!!!!!!! SUSIE PULLED THROUGH!!! i knew she would send her my loveeeeeeeee!!! I am way jel your with her now but super stoked your havin a blast!!! SICK! we went out for dinskies last night for a belated j9 bday, you were there in spirit of course!! love you oodles!! CIAO BELLA!!
4th July 2009

My darling daughter, I Love all the pictures !!! They bring all the things you talk about to life !! You look so beautiful and happy !!! I am thrilled that you have met so many nice people and seen so many exciting places. Oh, and those Italian young men Wow ! Tell Susie Hello she looks as lovely as ever ! XOXOXO Mom P.S. Oh yea let's talk about you working in Spain next Summer ! ??
3rd July 2009

Hi, I am so glad you are seeing so many wonderful places ! Dear Lauren, I Love You and I miss you tremendously!! but I am happy that you are living your dream and seeing all these wonderful places. I know you are having a amazing time and I am so proud of my Independent, Strong, Outgoing, Mature beautiful daughter. Dio ti bendice Ti amo, Mama
From Blog: Italy
2nd July 2009

Lucky you
Oh , I am so jealous.....It is so hard to beleive until you see it yourself.....What a dream come true. Oh, I forgot, Ciao
From Blog: Italy
2nd July 2009

Lucky you
Oh , I am so jealous.....It is so hard to beleive until you see it yourself.....What a dream come true.
From Blog: Italy

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