Page 9 of Weggs Travel Blog Posts

Monday 26th May 2014 As the shops were closed yesterday we were on the road by 0800 with only a cup of tea and half an apple each in our stomachs. It was a long climb to the Vranov Dam, the Greenways trail going over it. We only set a 30kms aim for today, to the wine town of Satov but Judy did notice that we would be climbing over 600m in total on this leg. For the first 13-14kms all we seemed to do was climb, albeit it was only steep in a few stops. Judy doesn't particularly like going down hills and when it is combined with either a potholed road or a dirt track she became even more concerned, walking down many long hills, much to Rags' disbelief. The first stop was in ... read more
Iron Curtain
Iron Curtain
Second puncture!

Friday 23rd May 2014 Woke up to a fine day, no wind, and left Slavonice just after 0830. The first section was a bit of a slope, for about 3kms before flattening out, then going downhill. This pattern seemed to repeat itself all morning although Judy was finding it a little difficult. She used the electric motor a little more than Rags to compensate, he saved his battery in case hers ran out. An early morning tea at Rancirov, about 10kms out, was had, as we were both a little hungry. The roads we travelled on were narrow but mainly good, with very little traffic. We were travelling mainly through fields of barley and canola, with the occasional patch of forrest. We kept our eyes open for deer as there were warning signs for motorists, unfortunately ... read more
Vranov nad Dyji
The Chateau

Tuesday 20th May 2014 Judy didn't sleep well last night, as she is little bit worried about getting back on the bike since her fall. The hand is still swollen but is going down. Because of that she was downstairs working in the dining room of the penzion just after 0500. Rags dozed for a while but he too got up early and started preparing for the day's ride. Kevin had written and suggested that we stop at Tucapy, about 25kms away, as they had some penzions either side of it. This way Judy wouldn't be under any pressure to ride a long distance and it would renew her confidence. After another yummy breakfast (love that muesli slice) we were off. The day was perfect, sun shining and no wind. Just outside of the town boundaries ... read more
Castle at Cervena Lhota
Open spaces

Sunday 18th May 2014 Rags has already changed his mind a couple of times about continuing this ride, he is probably worrying too much about Judy. He has realised that tiredness has caught up with him and that a 2 day break will do him a lot of good. We arrived at the Staroměstský Penzion, which was only a short distance from where we were and within 50m of the restaurant we had dinner at last night, at about 0930. We knew we were much too early to book in but we were welcomed in, our luggage was stored, and the bikes were placed in a corner of the lovely dining room as they “would get wet outside”. What a lovely welcome. We were also invited to sit down and have breakfast, but even though what ... read more
"The" Bridge
Botanical gardens

Thursday 15th May 2014 Well, the day has arrived. We had our stuff at Okolo Bike Hire by 0900 as arranged. It took two trips to get it all there as our suitcases and the saddle panniers with what we need over the next fortnight were too awkward to carry together. It took a little longer than expected to get away, panniers and handlebar bags to fit, tools, spares and maps to pack, and generally to get used to the bikes. A wobbly start on the bike path alongside the river but we met Kev and Jan about 1030, 30 mins later than planned. The worst part of the day followed, winding our way through a bit of pedestrian traffic and following a map which didn't take new detours etc into account. We finally found ... read more
Who's that crossing my bridge?
Town square

Europe » Czech Republic » Prague » Old Town May 12th 2014

Saturday 10th May 2014 After a bit of a hassle with the front desk of the hotel regarding the rate we should pay, (luckily we had the email from the boss showing the charge) we set off to Paris in the pouring rain. This didn't let up for the nearly 100km drive, Rags being very diligent in his driving, especially so for the last 20kms or so where the traffic and the constant changing of lanes on the freeway kept him on his toes. With a sigh of relief he handed over the keys to the Budget employee, no marks on the car and everything as it should be! We had stacks of time at the airport and settled in with a coffee at Starbucks, eating the macarons we had been given as a farewell ... read more

Europe » France » Upper Normandy » Giverny May 9th 2014

Thursday 8th May 2014 Up early this morning, sheets and towels in the washing machine, then the dryer. Mopped the floors and the house looked as if we hadn't even been there! This was confirmed when Fred & Helena, who oversee the house, came for coffee and to collect the keys. What lovely people they are, they had tulips on the table when we came and they gave us a gift of macaroons when we left. The weather was the worst it has been since we came here, it rained almost continuously all day. This didn't make for relaxed driving on the motorway where the speed limit is 130kph in fine weather and 110 kph when raining. The rain obviously wasn't noticed by most, we sitting on about 120kph and many cars passing in excess ... read more
Monet's Garden
Monet's Garden
Monet's Garden

Europe » France » Brittany » Finistère May 2nd 2014

Thursday 1st May 2014 Everyone was up quite early today even though sleep was late for some. We are headed for the town of Brest, nearly 100kms north of Plovan. This is the nearest airport where Mark & Elna can get a connecting flight to S.Africa. The weather has turned, and by the time we got to Brest the heavens had opened up and heavy rain fell as we sped along the last section of freeway. Luckily, it stopped as we entered the town, where it was very quiet with few cars and few people around. Today is the French version of Australia's Labour Day, and no shops, cafes or businesses were open. We did see a small procession when we walked into town as well as a crowd singing in the Place de la Liberte. ... read more
Labour Day
Hybrid Tree
Brest airport

Europe » France » Brittany » Finistère April 26th 2014

Saturday, 26th April 2014 A windy and wet day greeted us this morning but by 1100 it eased a little and we set off for the markets in the town of Quimper just over 20kms away. This town is based around its cathedral as well as the Odet river with its charming bridges and gardens. The cobbled streets are lined with buildings made with timber frames and stone and cement filling them. Many are showing their age, with buildings askew or leaning over. After parking the car we made our way through the market, some stalls already closing as it was a morning market only. Rags became interested in some scallops as the price/kilogram seemed quite reasonable. Wrong! The price included the shell and after they were shucked by the friendly fishmonger he ended up ... read more
Bride readies for her entry.
Beautiful buildings in the old town of Quimper
Is that a leaning building or a twisted house?

Europe » France » Brittany » Finistère April 22nd 2014

Tuesday, 22nd April 2014 After a quiet morning where we did some washing and housekeeping we set off to St-JeanTroliman, a little village about 12kms from here where the restaurant Vent de l'Quest is. This was recommended by Mariette who knows the owner, Claude. It is in a large hall, with tables, a bar and a band area for social occasions. This restaurant is only open for lunches, and caters for the local workers. It has a buffet set up for entrees and desserts, with a choice of main courses as set out on a blackboard. We introduced ourselves to Claude who then explained what was on the menu. The choices were a squid and rice dish, a local sausage with chips, and steak and chips. The ladies had the first dish, Rags the second, ... read more
Menu Board at Vent de la L'Quest
Dinner's ready!
Our guide pointing out the various catches at Le Guilvinec.

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