Vallejo Central SDA Church

Vallejo Central

Vallejo Central SDA Church

We are the Vallejo Central Adventist Church in Vallejo, CA. We are documenting our mission trips around the world. In July 2015 we are traveling to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic to build a church.

North America August 18th 2009

We're finally coming home today from Salt Lake City. It has been an amazing couple of weeks. We didn't post many blogs, but the Pathfinders and leaders had a memorable time. The highlight certainly was the baptism of 9 of our club's Pathfinders. Pastor Cicle and Heather flew out for Sabbath. We have met a lot of people along the way. We have stayed at 7 churches and schools. They have been wonderful hosts and have made our trip possible. We will remember them all. The kids earned several honors, did lots of pin trading and enjoyed an incredible play throughout the week on the story of Esther. It was capped by an amazing fireworks show Saturday night. It was a couple of weeks they will never forget.... read more
Idaho Falls, Id
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North America August 10th 2009

The trip has been great. We are in Dodge Center, Minnesota. We have been right on schedule and we will arrive in Oshkosh this afternoon. We have been through all kinds of weather from pouring rain gale-force winds, bright sunny weatther. Lots of highlights. We'll tell more when we get to Oshkosh. We had one car failure, but some awesome prayers by the Pathfinders and we got it back up! Here are a bunch of pictures from our trip so far. ... read more
Worship in Idaho
Pastor y Manuel
Jr Pathfinders

North America August 6th 2009

We are beginning our journey to the International Pathfinder Camporee. Despite a late start we made it to Reno by 10:00. Amazing, 23 people 4 vehicles and all of the luggage fit! Pastor Josias and Manuel arrived as scheduled Tuesday. Big thanks to Eli who was the airport shuttle and concierge. We stayed last night at the Reno Adventist Church who are wonderful hosts. Today is a big day on the road as we head to Idaho Falls.... read more
Packing up
Ready to roll
Eager Pathfinders

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago March 30th 2009

We are all back home safely now after a wonderful trip. We wished we could have completely finished the church, but we accomplished a lot with the small group we had. What will remain are the the blocks on the front and back above the roof line and the roof. It was complete enough that we dedicated the church on Sabbath and held the first service. It was really hard to say goodbye. We all became very close to this church family. They were very generous to us through the whole time. We will always remembers the tamales and empanadas and cakes. The dental team spent much of their time in the outline agricultural areas, and of ten patients brough wonderful fresh fruits and vegetables as gifts. Mel and Jessica saw over 200 patients over the ... read more
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South America » Chile » Santiago Region March 26th 2009

Vallejo Central SDA Church Mission Trip: Day 4: Sabbath Afternnon Horse Riding Nature Ride Day 8: Tonight is the last night of the Happy Family Bible Seminar with Mae Mangrobang as the speaker and Eli as the translator. The topic is "How to help my child obey-the happy way". Francisco Faria, the Head leader, will continue the rest of the 24 seminars when we leave. Dental Clinics: Dr. Mel Quiba's group was stationed at Colina Clinic and Dr. Jessica Quiba's group traveled on the dental mobile van to Colorado and Chacapoco. Most of the time, Dr. Mel & Jessica attended to an average of 3 people per hour and at time even up to 17 patients a day. They were rewarded with gift of grapes, olives and empanadas. On Friday, the Mobile Clinic will be at ... read more
Dental Clinic
Happy Family Seminar Day 8
Colina Dental Clinic

South America » Chile » Santiago Region March 21st 2009

A week is almost gone already! Friday afternoon the long awaited break finally came! Here are a few photos from the waterslide and the surrounding areas. The fields are full of grapes, melons, apples, oranges, and the tropical fruit, bananas! The buildings you see are prison cell blocks. 3,000 housed in the old section and 3,000 more in the newer section. ... read more
Lettuce Fields
Vallejo Central  Group Slide

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago March 20th 2009

It is such a blessing being here in Colina, Chile! We made the long flight, and arrived to beautiful fall like or mild summer like weather. Our days start out pretty early, with a hearty beakfast and then its off to work at the construction site. Keep track of our progress and get to know our sentry dogs, Champion and the" Shaggy Dog" with no name. I'll be uploading photos for you to enjoy during our trip.... read more
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South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago March 19th 2009

We have settled in here at Colina, Chile. The church has made us feel at home, making sure that all of our needs are being met while we are here. One church member has offered their van to us for the 2 weeks which is giving us a lot of needed flexibility. The first day of the dental clinic, Mel saw 17 patients. He was interviewed by TVN, the local television station. Jessica went with the mobile van to an agricultural community outside Colina. Each day they are visiting a different area. More to come on that. The construction has started, and well, we are way understaffed but we are getting more efficient. It seems pretty unlikely at this point that we will finish the construction but we'll see. We were also interviewed by the local ... read more

North America » Mexico » Baja California » Ensenada June 25th 2008

A fun relaxing today to Ensenada. It's nice to finally have some relief from the unbelievable heat. La Bufadora was shooting faithfully and there was some whale spottings off the coast. We had a final dinner at the hotel and also some synchronized swiming competitions in the pool. And of course, we have some great shoppers too!... read more
Scenery around La Bufadora

North America » Mexico » Baja California » Ensenada June 25th 2008

It was very tearful goodbye as we said bye to the kids and families. Many of the group met the kids at the school bus to say goodbye. In just a few days we made some very close friendships. The first question I heard was, when are we coming back? I can't say enough about the families - there are 4 families here who have adopted the 50 + kids. ... read more
Happy Birthday , Mario's Wife

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