Willow Sequoia


Willow Sequoia

Im a biology student at the University of Louisville in Kentucky. I like animals, mostly dogs but I have a cat and a snake too! I love coffee, and baking, and all types of foods except tomatoes. I am introverted at first, but once I get comfortable I'm wild and crazy and you can't hold me down! This is my last semester of college and I'm so super excited to be spending it in the beautiful, amazing Thailand! I've never been out of the country before, so this is going to be one helluva culture shock but I couldn't be more excited to be totally out of my element and my comfort zone, and I'm more than excited to be sharing my experiences with you!!!

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok March 24th 2015

I've seen a couple lists that people have made regarding the things they grew accustomed to, noticed, or learned while in Thailand. Here, I give a couple points on things that I've learned, noticed, and grown accustomed to as well. I'm sure I could think of more if I really tried, but for right now, this is all I got. 1. Food stalls/market foot is way better than any restaurant. Most street stalls will have super cheap, quick little snack foods like meat on a stick, kabobs, dumplings, or fruit. But some food stalls will serve sit-down meals like noodle bowls, phad thai, and other Thai dishes that you will never find in a restaurant. Also, they’re much cheaper and each stall is different since each person makes their food a little different than the others. ... read more
Image of the king
Shrine to the King
Yummy street food snacks!

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok March 10th 2015

I checked that I hadn’t left anything, stuffed my dirty underwear in my bag, grabbed the flashlight the sister lent me last night, threw away my cups of water, locked the door, and left the key in the door the way I had found it. I went to drop off the linens at the housekeeper’s room, room 14, but she wasn’t there. There was a bench outside the door so I just sat the sheet, blanket, and pillowcase there, and carried the clothes and towel with me to the bookstore. “Sawadeekha,” I said to the sister behind the counter when I got to the bookstore. Gersha was in there looking at some of the English books that I hadn’t seen at all the day before. I held up my dirty laundry and the sister got up ... read more
Spirit Shrine that we prayed to the night before
This tree that's not a tree
Green building with rooms!

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok March 10th 2015

“Yeah. Okay,” I said nodding. I didn’t need to be told what to do around charging dogs, but maybe Gersha did. She looked nervous and I knew she just wasn’t going to risk coming out past 9:00. The sister told us goodnight, and that the bell rings at 5:20 in the morning for morning chanting at 5:30. She walked away to her quarters and Gersha and I walked up to our building. Gersha’s room was closest so when she went in she told me goodnight and handed me the flashlight, even though my room was only two doors away from hers. “See you in the morning!” “See you.” And I went in my room. It felt hotter in my room than it was outside. I decided to sleep naked because I knew it was going to ... read more
Morning Meditation before Gersha and I were asked to go for alms
Leaving the Monastery Grounds
Walking past fields to the neighborhood

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok March 10th 2015

“Uh, wee, weelough?” She said in her heavy accent. “Yep!” I don’t bother to try to correct people when they say my name with an accent. It’s pretty simple, and its just two sounds that I can understand even with the heaviest of accents. “You’re from Poland, right?” “Yes, and where are you from?” “America.” “Ah, okay, and how long have you been here?” “In Thailand, or here?” “Ah, just, here, why. You stay here?” “I just came here today actually. I wasn’t planning to stay but I wanted to join the meditation in the morning and the Bhikkuni offered to have me stay, so I decided to stay the night here.” That totally confused her, and I spent a good five minutes trying to explain that I was a student, that I studied at Mahidol ... read more
Ylang-Ylang flowers for air-fresheners :)
So much food for dinner!
Tons of rice!

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok March 10th 2015

“Do you know this place?” I asked the taxi driver and showed him the paper. The driver was one of two drivers who were sitting outside Bundit House waiting for someone to come by needing a taxi. The drivers always have their taxi’s waiting in a line. Sometimes they leave the engine running for the AC so the taxi stays cool, while they sit on a raised wooden platform under the shade of two trees off to the side of the road. That day there were two taxi’s, and the driver of the first car came around off the wooden platform to greet me and ask where I was going. He looked at the paper that the International Relations Office at MUIC had given me. I had been in there the day before asking to have ... read more
Third floor
Temple on the grounds: Looking out third floor window
So many pigeons!

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok March 5th 2015

I’ve said a few times before that I feel like I’m living two lives. My life here in Thailand, and my life in America. Here I have to speak a different language to get around, I take taxis, a bus, or walk. I eat food from street vendors or walk downstairs to a restaurant to get takeaway. I’m constantly surrounded by words I don’t understand and faces that don’t look like mine. I live with a roommate in a tiny little apartment that’s basically a hotel and my wifi is infuriating. I used to be bothered by the smell of the streets, but now when I catch a whiff of sulfur or the sour smell of rotting, it doesn’t even distract me. I smell it and move on, there’s no point to hold my breath or ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok March 2nd 2015

(After note: I'm not editing this because it's late and this is really long so I apologize for grammar and sentences that may or may not make sense lol) Well, my internet’s not working right now, so I can’t do the research I would like for this paper I need to write. In the meantime, maybe I’ll give ya’ll a little blog to read :) I was asked to talk about my classes, and I realize that I actually haven’t talked about my classes at all! I can’t really take pictures in my classrooms so I don’t have those to put on facebook, and basically, they’re not nearly as exciting or fundamentally life-changing as everything else in Thailand has been so far. Except, that they’re the actual reason I’m here, and if it weren’t for my ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok February 10th 2015

Phuket this weekend was amazing! I almost wish we had done more than just lie around on the beach the whole time, but since we were only there for a day and a half, basically, I’m totally cool with just lying on the beach the whole time! Well, of course it wasn’t literally the WHOLE time. We actually got really lucky because Alyssa has family in Phuket (She’s half Thai) and her families’ relatives own a Hotel on Kata beach in Phuket where we were able to stay for free! Marissa, Alyssa, Nikita, Emily, Genny, and Christen and I all went together by overnight bus Friday night to Phuket. The bus was definitely not the best way to travel, but it was cheap and now I can say I’ve taken an overnight bus to Phuket from ... read more
Good morning Phuket!
All piled in Alyssa's aunts car!
Our hotel

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok January 27th 2015

So. Thailand. You know, sometimes I don't even realize where I am, and what I'm doing, until I look back at my photos and realize - I actually did that. I was actually there. That was really me. I'm really in Thailand. Yeah, I've felt homesick. There are times when I'm just so frustrated with the language barrier, that I'm ready to give up. When I'm waiting for a shuttle to take me home from class and I'm getting bit by mosquitos left and right. When I'm tired and just want to flip on the tv, but I can't understand a word, when all i want to do is watch some netflix but it doesn't service thailand. When all I really want is some mashed potatoes, a grilled chicken breast, steamed broccoli, and to smother it ... read more
Phutthamonthon Park
Bhodi Tree
Lake on campus

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok January 22nd 2015

Sorry I haven't written in a while - also sorry there will be no pictures accompanying this blog - but once school started, it's gotten a lot more difficult to keep up with the writings, especially now since I put all my pictures on facebook, you can see what I've been doing and read the captions (that I just put up there per request of Juliet :) ). so there's one difference that always sticks out in my mind, and that's restaurants and ordering food: 1) You are never seated at a table, you may be led to a certain room or part of the restaurant, but you are always allowed to pick your seat. 2) If you're in a restaurant (other than getting street food) the wait staff will stand next to you, pen and ... read more

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