Page 7 of Traveling Terry Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Cambodia » North » Battambang February 6th 2016

"Is it safe?" the fair skinned Canadian woman asks, frowning. She eyes the small platforms of slatted bamboo lined up at the station where visitors start their short journey on the bamboo "train." They look like rafts that would sink in water. "Not really," I say. I've ridden this popular attraction in Battambang before. I know how fast the platforms can go, and I know the thrill of hurtling through space with no protective head gear or seat belts. It's something my mother would tell me to never do. "You might as well, you've come all this way. It's very scenic." I have an ulterior motive in convincing her to go. I would only pay $5 instead of $10 if I ride with someone else. She thinks for a moment, and discusses with her tuk tuk ... read more
Wat Ek Phnom
Even the youngest helps by removing the dried papers
In the hammock in the house of my tuk tuk driver's mother

Asia » Cambodia » West » Koh Kong February 4th 2016

The path is bumpy and sandy. I lurched and squealed and shut my eyes in the scary parts. Scary parts: crossing bodies of water on a tire-wide concrete bridge with narrow rails on the sides for balancing with the feet. My second godson from Chi Phat, Rat, is an excellent motor bike driver. He has driven the path to the Wildlife Alliance Animal Rehabilitation Station, 7 kilometers outside of Chi Phat many times, so we arrived safely. First thing I noticed were the ducks toddling about (a source of eggs for the workers there), and then the hill myna birds who greeted us. These noisy black birds flash orange sideburns. They are fond of communing with the guests, perching atop motorbikes, luggage, chairs, and heads. Mr Souen, one of the caretakers, greeted us with a radiant ... read more
A gorgeous hornbill
Macque with Youngster
The Great Hornbill Enjoys a Scratch

Asia » Cambodia » South » Kampot January 30th 2016

Kampot is known for its fragrant pepper and durian, a spikey football-size fruit with divine stinky flesh for which many would spend their last dollar. Every time I look at the large statue of the durian gracing the center of a roundabout in this sleepy town, I remember when I tried durian in a fruit shake while in Indonesia. It stank like puke. Hence I nearly puked. Every evening the fishing boats motor out to sea on the Kampot River, a calm stretch of water fringed by mangroves. I found a lovely riverside resort with private bungalows and a veranda overlooking the river. From the dock I could jump in the river and swim in its still waters. I was tempted to laze about for several days, take in a massage or two, get a pedicure ... read more
Clusters of odd metal coils decorate around the deities
The monk with a vision
This young monk wants to learn English

Asia » Cambodia » West » Koh Kong January 30th 2016

My Cambodian friend Neeri asked me if I missed my home in America. "No," I said. "Right now this place is my home." She and members of her family smiled. They came from a city far away to cook for me and be with me during my visit to Chi Phat. Despite all their family problems and worries, they have embraced and welcomed me into their lives. Even language does not seem to be a barrier. Our fondness for one another needs no words. My home. That's how I will continue to think of Chi Phat as I spend the next few days here, at the edge of the Cardamom Mountains in southern Cambodia. I volunteered here last year for two months, which allowed me to share in the lives of many. The family who runs ... read more
Tokay lizard snags a big bug.
Flower with edible berries
Purple berries, purple tongue

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Mamallapuram December 27th 2015

I spent many hours over several days wandering among the 7th century wonders at Mamallapuram. Carved from single large boulders, stories burst from their surfaces in astonishing detail, rooms chiseled deep into the guts of the rocks appear like naturally occurring symmetrical caves. The first day I explored, a rock carver tagged along, despite my saying several times "goodbye" and "I want to be alone." When I realized he was not going away until I visited his "shop," I detoured from my tour for five minutes, followed him on stones rising from a cesspool of muck-which I nearly teetered into, entered his shop, and surveyed his quite ordinary inventory. He expressed indignation that I didn't buy, then shouted at me as I walked away. This was my first day touring in this small town. I sighed, ... read more
Arjuna's Penance
Shore TEmple
Five Rathas

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Tiruvannamalai December 24th 2015

It's those moments of connection, confusion, or understanding that I relish when I travel. My ultimate joy is laughing with people. The following are moments that I treasure as I continue my journey in India: Temple Visits The Arunachaleshwar Temple in Tiruvanammalai is an important destination for pilgrims from all over India. I visited several times. One evening it was crawling with pilgrims, men shirtless and wearing black dhotis, women in red and yellow full-of-shakti-energy saris--all creating a striking contrast with the stone walls and the giant gopurams, or towers, at the temple's entrances. It was the new moon, an auspicious time to visit and pray to the Shiva deities dwelling deep within the inner sanctum spaces. I joined the clamoring crowd, and was ushered by a river of people to a long table of tiny ... read more
After Thali
Devotees with Nandi
Arunachaleswarar  Temple in Tiruvanammalai

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Madurai December 23rd 2015

Going to heaven. That's what the December 21 winter solstice is about for devotees at the important Vishnu temples throughout India.My friend Premala told me about this day while I visited her in her home in Madurai. She warned that great crowds of people cram the streets around the Koodal Azhagar Temple in the evening, seeking an opportunity to receive darshan and cross the threshold into heaven. Just once a year, she said, a special doorway is opened, and devotees may pass through, following the Lord Vishnu.I needed to see for myself. The noisy, busy streets of Madurai are unbelievable. I approached the vertically striped red and white granite walls on streets cleared of traffic by police but packed by devotees. Vendors of yellow flowers, sweet smelling jasmine, lotus flowers, ... read more
Vishnu being carried around the temple
Vendors selling lotus flowers, greens
Crowds strain to see Vishnu

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Mamallapuram December 18th 2015

I marched through the gate between the beach and the posh resort at Mamallapuram, seeking a fancy restaurant experience. Having just adopted a tortoise, I needed to celebrate. My baggy pants, casual blouse, floppy hat, and lack of gold jewelry must have given me away as an outsider. A voice behind me called, "Excuse me madam, can I help you?" I turned around, and there was Ramesh, a man whom I would come to know in this small coastal city. "I just wanted to have lunch here," I said. "Where do you want to eat? We have two restaurants," he said, then added, "the entrance from the beach is just for resort guests." I appreciated his polite tone. He asked where I was staying. I named ... read more
Fisherman's Colony
Ramesh and his stretch of beach
Fisherman's Colony street

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Mamallapuram December 16th 2015

At age 62 I became a mom. Again. But this time, my child had a hard shell, retractable head, and four feet. And I have to admit that it was unplanned. Here’s how it happened: Mamallapuram is best known for its remarkable carved rock temples scattered throughout this small coastal city. But about 20 kilometers north of town is The Madras Crocodile Bank Trust, where thousands of crocodiles representing nearly 20 of the world's species are given safe haven in murky pools. Snakes lizards, turtles, and land dwelling tortoises join the extensive collection of all things reptile. In addition, men from the Irula caste demonstrate the fascinating work of extracting venom from poisonous snakes. A shady path skirts pools lined with high walls. Signs warn visitors not to stick their hands over the top, because crocs ... read more
Extracting the venom
Croc relaxing
A croc retirement home

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Chennai December 11th 2015

There's something about the first few hours traveling in a foreign country. I've felt it so many times--exhaustion from the long flight, unsettled stomach, a bit of anxiety, eagerness and excitement over embracing a new adventure. But these first few hours--the day after I landed in Chennai--were different. It is, after all, my triumphant return to India. I first visited 40 years ago as a university student, hungry for a cultural experience, a bit naive and searching for some kind of personal enlightenment. Our group of 18 students from mid western US schools went straight to Madurai back then, to study Tamil and the culture, or at least that's how we started. That less-than-scholarly experience (most of us were not very disciplined students) somehow tied me to the place. I was drawn back twice since that ... read more
Interior of St. Thomas cathedral
Gopuram in the Kapaleshwarar temple
The Necklace of thorny leaves

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